Subject: Today is the Day!

Dear Friend

I am so excited to announce that TODAY is the launch of:

The Game Changer – Inspirational Stories that Changed Lives

My friend, Nicholas Harvey, is one of 27 authors in this book – each of us sharing a story of an event in our lives that, by the choices we have made, changed our lives forever. 

The title of his chapter is: Still I Rise: A Journey to Humanity and Freedom

There is such am impact on our world when we share our stories! 

Iman Aghay of Success Road Academy and Actionera has been working with entrepreneurs and other successful professionals for the past sixteen years. In fact, Nicholas has been one of his students for some time now. 

Iman says that as a business mentor, he’s observed the complex interworking of an entrepreneur’s life and has had the privilege of knowing what goes on behind the scenes and what it takes for entrepreneurs to realize their achievements.

The Game Changer Book Series is a collection of these behind-the-scenes stories – stories that most people never realize have laid the foundation for a successful business or company. These stories are personal, and connected to the authors’ hearts, and many of them are being shared for the first time with you, our reader. As I read this collection, I could not stop thinking about this old adage: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about! Be kind, always…”

The twenty-seven authors in Vol. 8 reveal some of the hardest times and darkest moments that entrepreneurs live through. Their experiences are real and deeply personal. Many of the chapters tell of bad choices and overcoming mistakes.

However, all of them share something in common: a turning point—the turning point that changed the author’s life forever. These stories are very dear to each author, and I am honored to be able to share their experiences with you. I hope that each of these stories touches you as deeply as I have been touched.

I truly believe that you will enjoy ALL of the chapters in this book.

You are welcome to share this link with others!

With Deep Appreciation,

Alicia Couri

Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert

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