Subject: Stop Struggling to Make Money in Your Business

Stop Struggling to Make Money in Your Business

Hey Friend

Right now business owners are planning out their goals for 2024.

Maybe your goal is to grow your network, secure more clients, or capitalize on your investments. Whatever your overall goal is, I bet making a little bit more dough wouldn’t hurt…

I want to share this opportunity with you. Why? Because I care!

I care about you and your personal success. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I mean business! And today I wanted to talk business with you.

February 16-17 I will be in Miami, FL connecting with women business owners for the 8th annual Flourish Media Conference!

And guess what, I’m speaking at #FMC24!

Let me tell you something that every entrepreneur should be aware of when taking that next step in their business. It takes commitment! It takes dedication! And above all, it takes passion! 

I know you are ready for HUGE opportunities in 2024!

I know you want to make more $ so you can experience financial freedom.

I know you want to connect with more women who have the same vision as you do.

Dream car? Dream house? Dream life?  Check. Check. And check!

But here’s the thing, you gotta want it and you gotta do what it takes to get it.

If these past few years have taught us all anything, it’s that being prepared for the punches is critical. You have to stand up for your family, friends and of course yourself. Let’s make 2024 the year you stepped into your cozy era.

The Flourish Media Conference is the hub for women business owners searching for connections, support, and funding opportunities. That is why I wanted to extend a personal invite for YOU to meet me at the Flourish Media Conference on Feb 16-17 in Miami, FL!

Not sold yet? 

Expect to learn expert knowledge about:

  • Business Funding & Pitching - Leveraging the opportunity to pitch your business to a group of investors to start building your empire!

  • Online Branding - How to stand out and make an impact on the inter-webs!

  • Social Media - How to effectively build a tribe of loyal followers!

And more!!

When are you going to decide that you and your business deserve better than the same old same? SHOW UP and let’s see what we can do together!


Alicia Couri

Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert

Book a Call with Alicia