Subject: Slipped through the cracks or meant to be? What is your take on missed opportunities?

Slipped through the cracks or meant to be? What is your take on missed opportunities?
Do you believe certain things happen for a reason? Or do we miss opportunities because we let things slip? Or we are just not ready for them?

Recently I had an opportunity to take a certification course that I was super excited about. The course was scheduled for  this week but I missed the email for the registration they sent me back in May and never registered on time for the course. So, now I have to wait a month before I can take it even though I set aside the time to do it this week.

Turns out, this week it's given me an opportunity to create something very valuable in my business that I would have had to wait to do if I was in that certification class. So was it a missed opportunity or divine timing?

All I know is that when things don’t go as planned, I make the most of whatever time I have to make it productive. One of my favorite scriptures says to “Redeem the time for the days are evil” or another translation says “Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” Ephesians 5:16 and that is what I endeavor to do. How about you?

Today launches the “Discover Your Why and Soul Purpose Summit” Check out the amazing speakers including myself and partner in Dreamaniac TV Szebastian Onne. Daphne has played a big role in the creation of Dreamaniac TV and the Women Unleashed Show. Get into the summit...
On the Audacious Confidence Show tomorrow at 7:00 pm est, I will interview the awesome Powerhouse LaTaye Davis. 

From the military to making a difference in the lives of female entrepreneurs, LaTaye is an inspiration. From the moment I met her, the confidence she possessed was infectious. I want to have a conversation with her on the #BlackLivesMatter movement and how she sees the role of black women in this movement. Here is the link to DreamaniacTV where you can watch the show live
This morning I was interviewed for the Voices of Impact Podcast on the series “Love the Work You Do”. Our focus was on the “It Factor”. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the amazing Erica Castner alongside 2 other remarkable women who I will share more with you closer to the launch date of the Podcast.
Some really exciting news!!! I am starting a show on my IGTV (@thealiciacouri) with my daughter Cassandra on Wednesdays. She and I have not always seen eye to eye but have forged a special relationship. So this show is totally unscripted for now and we will dive into issues of parenting, young adulting, social and political issues, dating, pretty much anything goes lol. I am looking forward to the A&C Show!, 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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