Subject: Reevaluate Your Values for Success - Did you know your Values can work against you?

Reevaluate Your Values for Success

Did you know your Values can work against you?

Have you ever considered that your deeply-held values might be limiting your success?

Shocking but true. Sometimes our values, can inadvertently hinder our progress.


Well, let’s take a value of Hard work - you might be thinking that hard work is an honorable value and you have this conviction that you have to work hard for success. Then you can make everything hard and lose your passion and easily get frustrated and stressful because everything is hard work… 

See what I mean by that?  

Let’s unpack some of those values that can hinder your vision. Join us at the Vision2024 virtual retreat on January 30 and 31st

For only $297, we’ll explore how reevaluating your values can open doors to greater success. Let's challenge and reshape your belief systems for a more fulfilling journey ahead.


Alicia Couri

Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert

Book a Call with Alicia