Subject: Please Vote for Me

I’m asking for you to vote for me!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would talk about this publicly in such detail especially on LinkedIn🤣 but hoping it will help someone else. Keep reading…

We all know that October is breast cancer awareness month…

Your Vote &/or Donation will go toward helping other women in their fight, especially with early detection.

Why is early detection important?

What I've not made public because it's been a very personal journey for me and one that I needed to protect because it has been one of faith, prayer, mental and emotional discipline, changing my diet, lifestyle & habits.

2 years ago I was officially diagnosed with DCIS.

Don’t know what that is?

Neither did I until I was diagnosed with it.

They are malignant cells that form a tumor located in the milk duct.

I say “diagnosed” as opposed to “have” because I do not personally own this diagnosis.

Back in 2019 through self exam, I felt a small mass. I am used to feeling lumps and masses in my breasts my entire life and have always had them checked. Most of the time they were benign cysts. Because of the position of these latest ones, neither a mammogram or ultrasound found them.

I did.

So ladies it is vital you do your self exams monthly!

For years I have been on a routine every 6 months of having mammograms and ultrasounds because my breast tissue is very dense, and still it wasn't picked up.

All this is still in process for me and I know I am victorious over this because I am under great care first and foremost from God the Great Physician, my health coaches Lydia Ebling & Ryan Ebling & my amazing doctor plus lots of supportive friends & family

Others may not have that kind of support so a vote and donation can go toward helping these women, plus if I do win the money it will help cover some of my medical bills 🙏🏽❤️😍

You decide, am I Fab Over 40?

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