Subject: Other people's opinion of you is none of your business

Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week!
Other people's opinion of you is none of your business
I've heard this said multiple times but it isn't until you're tested by someone who is supposed to know you better, but then accuses you of being the worst person in the world do you have to put this into practice... You have to know who you are and believe in yourself. I've blocked the opinion of those people from having any value in my life.

Yesterday I spoke with someone who couldn't understand why someone who is supposed to love her would continue to verbally abuse her no matter how hard she has tried to please that person. That is definitely a confidence killer. If you continue to buy in to or give value to what they say about you. You need to stop allowing their opinion of who you are to play unfiltered in your mind. You are more valuable than what they could ever see so block that abuse and love yourself enough to say enough is enough!!!, 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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