Subject: It's my birthday and I have a gift for you

It’s my birthday today and I am giving you all a gift!!!
The Mind In Motion Academy is launching tomorrow and opening its doors to a veritable university of knowledge. There are instructors from all around the world with different specialities that are there to teach you and help you grow and develop. The gift I mentioned at the beginning is, you can register for this launch for FREEEEEE and have access to all these incredible minds right now and then get a ridiculous discount to join but it is only available to those who register and join us during the 2 day launch starting tomorrow at 5pm pst/ 8pm est.

Click on the link to register! Don’t miss out!!!

Register below for an unbelievable special offer that will never be repeated again.

Turning Around Life’s Defeats
Transformation isn’t always an easy thing to go through, especially when you live your life doing what was expected of you. Our next guest, Christine Catoggio lived her “Good Girl” “do what everyone expected of her” world, then suffered many setbacks and defeats. It was only through self-reflection and introspection that she came to know who she really was and transformed her life.

Join us for the next episode of 
Love My Body, Love Myself this Wednesday June 1 at 6pm est, we’ll talk transformation!, 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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