Subject: Incomplete Projects and Spinning My Wheels Resulted in Undesirable Results.

Does that sound like you? 

I know it felt like that for me for so many years, feeling stuck in the mud, with big dreams but feeling like a bolder was in my way one I couldn’t even see.

I can completely understand where Derwyn was and what he experienced when he shared his experience with us after the last VISION2024 event -

“The VISION2024 Workshop was a great start to the new year; Alicia Couri shared many gems. What impacted me the most in the workshop was that I could recognize why I was not experiencing the success I desired. Incomplete projects and spinning my wheels resulted in undesirable results. Because I needed to work in my zone of genius. Now, I feel equipped to look at my business and find the people to support me in those areas to be my best.” ~Derwyn Browne

Do you want that kind of impact for your year?

Then you need to be at our next VISION2024 2 day Retreat for only $297 to get yourself on the winning track for the rest of the year! 

Visit VISION2024 to register.


Alicia Couri

Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert

Book a Call with Alicia