Subject: Have you ever been there? It’s not a fun place to be...

As I looked over my life and accomplishments of 2019 I was both excited and disappointed. Well such is life.
I accomplished so many awesome things in 2019 and I am incredibly grateful for those opportunities to excel, but along the way the business goals and visions I had for myself in January 2019 somehow got sidetracked for the year and I fell short on some of those goals.
Have you ever been there?
I know how you feel, frustrated, disappointed, wondering how you allowed yourself to lose sight of those goals. Vision boards are great and so many people create those boards in January as a visual reminder of what you desire for the year ahead, but if you don’t have a plan or strategy to manifest what you placed on your vision board, it will be a beautiful collage.
That’s where I come in. I can help you manifest what is on your 
Vision Board!
Out of my own frustration of being sidetracked this year, I seriously thought about what happened and how I allowed it to happen. I laid out a process for myself to stay on track and on target for the next 12 months and I would love to share that with you so that 2020 IS THE GREATEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE!!!
New Decade of Possibilities!
2020 is a whole new decade so let’s start it off with a plan for SUCCESS! 

This is NOT an elaborate sales campaign or strategy. I did it for me and thought how amazing would it be to share this with others who really want to see their business grow in 2020.
This is what I am proposing…
For 5 weeks starting Sunday January 5th, then every Sunday evening at 7 pm we will jump on a live zoom and go through each session together, there will be a structured training then live Q&A coaching.
There will be exercises, a private facebook group and structured accountability calls. We begin with a 30 minute assessment call then take it from there. This is not a cookie cutter program but an opportunity to really taitor something for you to succeed!!!
As a HUGE BONUS - you will have the opportunity to get your Kolbe assessment done and then coached around what your unique abilities are and what you should focus your time and energy on most that will bring you success. This alone is a $997 value.
For 5 weeks we will meet weekly, then quarterly check ins to see where you are and if you have deviated because face it… Life Happens!!! I get it!
I am only looking for a few select individuals that really want to run with me in 2020 and see massive results because I am expecting them for myself.
This is not going to be a long sales process with an entire email sequence begging you to join NOW, TIME IS RUNNING OUT, THIS OFFER ENDS SOON! LAST CHANCE TO TAKE THE DEAL TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
This is my personal invitation to you to be a part of this and if you are in, please respond to this email and say yes I am in! I will personally send you further instructions!
The investment for this is only $497.00
Yes I know it is ridiculously low for the time and value I am willing to pour into you for this year! But I want to show you good faith and that this is not about selling but about transformation!
Your transformation!
For you to be serious about your transformation, you need to invest in it. Have some skin in the game. I have seen coaches sell these types of programs for $5k to $25K and I am not even kidding.
This is a totally different type of program, one geared to get you results.
I may send 1 more email before the end of the year only because not everyone opens your messages the first time lol… But again I will not be hounding you to do this.
Let’s make 2020 your best year ever!!! Join me by saying yes to you!
Looking forward to working with you all ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Holidays!, 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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