Subject: Go Register to VOTE!!!

Go Register to VOTE!!!
Why is it important to vote? The survival of democracy demands the populus participate in the very foundation of democracy and that is to vote. People have fought and given their lives for not just the freedom but the opportunity for you to cast your vote.

I remember when I first turned 18 and for the first time was eligible to vote, I was so excited that the following year was the general election and I will be able to exercise my democratic right to vote. I am 53 now, and still have never actually voted in any country's election. Not in my home country and not here in the US until now.

How did that happen, well at 19 when I could have voted, my supervisor at the time refused to allow me the time to go vote. She told me I couldn’t when I asked to go first thing in the morning when polls opened. At the time I was a flight attendant and my flight was scheduled to leave at 9 am. I pleaded with her that I would go super early so I could vote when the polls opened at 7 then drive myself to the airport and be there by 8 am in time for our pre-flight checks. I was told under no circumstances could I do that and the transport will be at my house at 7 am to pick me up. End of story! Well our flight was delayed an hour because the pilots took their constitutional rights to go vote and arrived for the flight at 9 after voting. When I shared with the captain that I was not allowed to go vote he told me they couldn’t do that and I should have gone, he would have waited for me. Lol well at 19 I didn’t want to risk my job after my supervisor already said I couldn’t do it.

Fast forward a few year past and I left my home country to live here in the U.S. as a permanent resident, I wasn’t allowed to vote, until now. I am now a U.S. citizen and can exercise my right and my duty to vote in the next elections. Voting is a privilege, don’t squander it! I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have now to make my voice heard. I don’t understand the professional complainers that just criticize and malign the government but won’t even exercise their birthright and register to vote.

So do me a favor, STOP complaining and register! I did!

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