Subject: Do you know the 8 Benefits to building a personal brand?

Do you know the 8 Benefits to building a personal brand?

Well I am going to share them with you on Wednesday at 6pm est live on YouTube and discuss how to really take advantage of those benefits including how to position your expertise for profit. 

You probably wouldn’t even believe this when I tell you and I am almost sure no one in the history of business ever did this but me.

When I had my beauty business, my greatest fear was not being remembered, being totally forgettable by clients, photographers & event planners, I wanted them to hire or recommend me again. The problem and what I didn’t realize was, my own inner programing was sabotaging me at every turn. My inner self was desperately wanting to disappear, not be noticed and to just blend in. That created what’s called a double binding message and it was keeping me stuck.

I didn’t realize I  was consistently putting that out, that and so many other things that kept me stuck stuck stuck. 


I finally started working on my personal brand. By the way, a brand is not  a logo and a website, like I originally thought. 

A personal brand unlocks so so much more for you, so I invite you to join me live on YouTubeWednesday at 6pm est where I’ll share the elements you need in order to build a strong personal brand that propels you in life and business instead of being stuck.

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