Subject: Are you on Clubhouse yet?

Are you on Clubhouse yet?
Clubhouse is the newest Social Media Craze, but only if you are on an Apple device. I just joined because I have firmly been an Android user since the dawn of the smartphone, but once the 3rd person called me up and said, “You have to get on Clubhouse” I acquiesced and purchased my very first Apple Device just to get on Clubhouse.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, that’s ok. But for those of you that are on there, please find me and connect with me so we can have some fun in there. FYI, I just joined and still have no idea what I am doing yet but will poke around this weekend and see what all the hullabaloo is about. For the Android users, it’s coming, just don’t know when yet… Stay tuned...

Small Business Saturday Shout-Outs
OMG, I had the awesome privilege of spending this past weekend with the most amazing woman, Ms. Robbie MotterShe is 84 years young and has so much energy and vitality it’s incredible. She is the founder and CEO of GSFE, Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs. I was at the Woman of Achievement Pageant to crown my successor and Robbie was one of the pageant judges. I met her a year ago at the pageant, but back then I was a contestant and really didn’t get to know her much, but this time around I was able to have lunches and dinners with her every day for 4 days and am totally honored she agreed to join us on SBSSO this Saturday at 3:00 pm est. So if you are a woman in business, you need to catch our livestream this Saturday.

Check our LIVE Stream interview via:

Leading with Audacious Confidence™
Dr. Tyra Jones leads by example, there is nothing she would ever ask someone to do unless she was also willing to do it. She had many ups and downs in her business even at one point thought of quitting, but persevered and by the grace and favor of God kept moving forward. JA Consulting & Corporate Tax Solutions continues to grow and flourish with both for profit and non-profit sides of the operation.

Check out Dr. Jones’ leadership journey.

If you missed any of the episodes, you can check them out:
Audacious Confidence™ Tip of the Week
Today I wanted to share my thoughts from the recent Woman of Achievement pageant I attended last weekend. I was there to crown my successor who will serve as Mrs. Elite U.S Woman of Achievement for 2021. Until last year, I had never had any experience with pageants before so it was all very new and unknown. For some of the women there it was also their first pageant. 
Taking a step into the unknown can be scary and we often activate the fight or flight response in our brains when we do that. In competition you can either thrive or you can just crumble under the pressure. I saw women step way out of their comfort zones to stand in front of judges, former queens and an audience of people (very small audience) to share their passion, platform, talents, speeches and personality.

For some, it was difficult especially with last minute changes and a packed schedule of events.

So where does the Audacious Confidence come from in moments like these?

I believe it comes from knowing your T.A.G.S. - Your Talent, Assets, Gifts & Skills, then leaning on those when you are stepping into the unknown. If you didn’t see my video on your T.A.G.S. check it out!

Subscribe Today
If you haven’t yet subscribed to my YouTube Channel here’s the link, I am sharing some important info on Corona Virus resources and other business and confidence tips, interviews and more. So please subscribe, like, comment and hit the notification so you don’t miss when I upload something new. Also if there is a topic you would like me to do a video on, let me know. Have the best and safest holiday season.
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