Subject: ALERT Alumni | March 2021

March 2021

Dear Alumni:

Here is a March 2021 update on happenings at ALERT. It has been a bit of an adventure since the start of training this year but God has demonstrated His faithfulness over these weeks and we are thankful for His daily presence.

January and part of February took us into uncharted territory with Covid-19 hitting both our battalion and staff. Logistical challenges, alternate housing, and a number of adjustments were implemented to see us through the crisis. Our staff did an amazing job flexing through it all and managed to corral it in some creative ways. As quickly as it took hold and spread it just as quickly dissipated and in most recent weeks we have had no incidents of any type of illness. We praise God for such.

The snow and cold temperatures also played havoc with training necessitating some major adjustments in our dive class in particular. Once again creativity ruled and we are seeing that all the guys have an opportunity for at least one week of diving during Second Phase. Capt. Hawley has done a remarkable job keeping the ship afloat for the 50 guys in Second Phase and deserves kudos for such! In fact, all our staff has really experienced a lot of extra and unexpected “stuff” along the way but handled it like champs. God continues to show Himself strong on our behalf. Our leadership class completed studies last week with a number of the men now moving into Cadre, the remainder of the class went on a three-day deployment to French Camp, MS.

This past weekend we also held an ALERT Responder challenge (ARC) that included not only the craziness of ALERT activities but speaking sessions from Ken Bevel, retired Marine Captain, Associate Pastor at Sherwood Baptist Church, and actor from the movies Courageous and Fireproof. It was truly a blessing to have him here as he challenged our guys in many areas as well as closing the weekend with a message at Campus Fellowship.

Our next Basic begins in less than a week so be in prayer for any guys out there preparing to come. It will be quite a contrast in numbers from last fall when we combined both the Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 units into one.

We often get asked where a donation might be designated for maximum use so let me suggest you consider our scholarship fund. It is at its lowest amount in a number of years and these gifts go directly into helping men either come to ALERT or continue their training. Please prayerfully consider helping us help others.

Looking ahead, the coming semester will include Unit 64 Basic Training, flight, an EMT class of 13 men, Aquatics, Campus Support Team, and a renewed Missions/Construction program. We are particularly excited about the missions program which will include doing rebuilds with Samaritan’s Purse, a trip to Pennsylvania for some firsthand missions training, and Lord willing a trip to Mexico. Pray for each of these guys that their experiences would be meaningful and they’d have many opportunities to live out their faith and share the gospel.

In closing, I want to thank you for your ongoing prayers regarding my health. I have upcoming implant surgery on March 25th with follow-up radiation treatments for five weeks beginning late April and May. I’m not going to deny that there are days of anxiety and uncertainty but there is nothing like an email, text, or phone call of encouragement to get me refocused. Several have even made personal visits at great sacrifice that have touched my wife’s heart and mine to the core! Words cannot express my gratitude for all of you and we are truly blessed with so many brothers and sisters in Christ who are living out their faith. You have been a great testimony to me. It’s been truly amazing and a blessing to my wife and I.

Have a great week and stay the course!

In Him,

Colonel Behr
Cell: 903-714-3481

International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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