Subject: ALERT Alumni | December Update

December, 2020

Dear Alert Alumni:
As we rapidly come to a close of the year 2020 a final wrap up seems appropriate and I trust it will be helpful for all as you continue to support us through words of encouragement and prayers.

I hesitate to be one more voice echoing so many other organizations of how Covid-19 has changed the course of our lives, so we’ll focus on what has been accomplished vs. what may have been sacrificed. 

Over 70 men attended the fall Unit 63 Basic with a good number of those coming from the spring unit that was cancelled. It was one of our largest in many years. The logistical challenges were huge but a rock solid cadre accepted the calling, gave up a lot personal rights for the sake of others and put in long hours that resulted in much fruit. Thank you for praying with us during that time. 
As a result of a large Basic we are now anticipating in the neighborhood of 50 men that will be returning in January, 2021 for Second Phase alone–also a number we have not seen for a long time. We will also be running our Leadership course and Campus Support Team in Advanced Training. Please pray God would give us the strength, wisdom and creativity to put together a schedule that flows smoothly and continues to provide the quality of training we desire to offer. 
It was a very busy year for deployments as disasters racked our nation. We had the ongoing privilege of working with Samaritan’s Purse on these responses and thank God for the logistical support they provide to make these trips flow so well. There were three deployments to Louisiana, two trips to Mississippi, single trips to Iowa and Arkansas and three visits to south Texas for rebuilds. There were also a number of service trips to upper Michigan. That’s a lot of travel for a small army of guys!

Advanced classes were lower in number but we still were able to continue flight training, Leadership & Communications, Tech Rescue, a Fire Academy, Campus Support Team, Aquatics, and EMT. Next year should be a return to a full schedule providing Covid doesn’t rock the boat necessitating some adjustments. 
So what’s ahead in 2021? We have a strong desire to continue to deepen the spirituality of men through solid Bible studies, outstanding guest speakers (both in person and video) and continuing to keep a discipleship mindset. As we seek to broaden our training options we are constantly looking at classes that go beyond Emergency Response.

One such area of consideration is the restarting of a construction program where men would assist an established business in the building of a home from the ground up. After some initial orientation here they would be housed at another locations for a majority of the semester and establish their own base. A First Sergeant would give after-hour oversight and maintain the disciplines and schedule of ALERT training while a former ALERT graduate would fill the role as their on-site building supervisor. Building certification would be available as well and could be tailored to your own state of residency. We are still in the discussion stages regarding this but excited about the potential. If you might be interested in returning for such training please let me know so I can place you on a contact list.

Exciting things are happening at ALERT and the opportunities abound in forging extraordinary men. Thank you for your support in prayers, notes of encouragement and financial giving. It has gone a long way!

Personal Update
In closing please allow me to get a bit more personal regarding a new chapter in the life of my wife and I. In early fall I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and am slowly going through the process of addressing the issue, upcoming surgery and further treatment related to such through the spring. The word cancer strikes fear in all us and I can assure you I’m no exception. Uncertainty of the future, what is the prognosis, and how I emotionally carry on without letting the unknown overwhelm me are real battles I’ve wrestled with. Through it all God has blessed me with a wonderful and supportive wife and with a doctor who is not only an expert in the field but a born again believer. With much gratefulness He has surrounded me with an army of prayer warriors that are frankly too numerous to list! Hardly a day goes by where someone doesn’t text me, email or phones me with words of encouragement. I’m often moved to tears to think that someone a thousand miles away took the time out of a busy schedule to call me today or perhaps shared with me that their church, a ministry they work for or perhaps a Bible study group “has my back…” and is praying for me. That’s truly the body of Christ as our Lord designed it to be. To all of you that are familiar with what I’m saying a big thank you and I praise God for your friendship and care. 

In Deuteronomy 33:25 Moses gave his final blessings to each of the twelve tribes but when it comes to Asher he adds one powerful phrase that you’ll miss if you’re not careful: “As your days so shall your strength be.” God doesn’t promise us a particular amount of years, months, weeks or even days to live. Rather He promises that each day He does give, He will also give us the strength to live it. That continues to be the case in our lives. I’m feeling great right now but hard days are likely to come. I can only count on the strength for the day I’m given right now and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I know there are a number of you out there that are in a battle yourself. It may be similar to mine, or it may be a loved one that is in difficult straits, a marriage that seems to be crumbling, job loss or some other calamity that you have little control over. If so please consider three steps of action: First, embrace the Psalms and pray through them as Carla and I often do for strength. Second, create for yourself a visual reminder of the phrase: “As my days, so shall my strength be” Deut. 33:25 and finally I’d be honored if you would send me a quick text or email regarding your particular crisis – big or small that I can add to my daily prayer list. I can assure you I’ve seen some answered prayers lately that confirm God is indeed present in a time of trouble.

I do apologize for the length and preaching of this letter. I’m well aware of short attention spans when it comes to reading but God burdened me to be real and share my heart. I trust it will give you some direction.

May God’s richest blessings be on you this Christmas. My contact info is below if you’d like to converse more. We are entering two weeks of holiday furlough so it’s a great time to visit.

In Christ,

Colonel Behr
Cell: 903-714-3481

International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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