We have been given a special opportunity to partner with Samaritan’s Purse in their Alaska outreach. Eight men will be headed there for the better part of two weeks in May to work in Dillingham on a construction project as well as building volunteer quarters in the village of Ruby. The living environment in the Ruby project will be “bare bones” – something that fits well with the training the men were given during Basic. Pray for these guys as they serve. We thank God for the provisions He has given us through SP to make it possible to serve there.
A request has also come in to send a couple of men to assist with an ALERT Cadet Challenge in Southeast Asia in mid-June. Airfare would be your responsibility so if you are interested contact Colonel Edwards at kedwards@alertacademy.com for more details.
As a reminder we do post job opportunities on our website so if you run a business and are looking for employees, send us some sort brief ad that can be listed. Along that vein, French Camp in Mississippi is looking for counselors this summer. They are paid positions. If you have a heart to work with young guys go to campoftherisingson.com for details.
Finally, remember the Conquer Series retreat – a life changing weekend dealing with the addictive nature of pornography and how to begin steps to freedom – or help someone else do so. It is being held in Waynesburg, PA May 17-19, 2019. Call me for details. It is incredible material and the entire weekend is very affordable.
Needs: A reminder that if you do wish to donate to ALERT but want to make sure your funds go directly to the men in some form or fashion, we’d encourage you to designate your gift specifically for the scholarship fund. These funds help sons of widows and/or Christian workers first and then any others that face a shortfall in being able to come to training.
Blessings on all you guys,