Subject: How to share the 68 Years of Research audio, Flier, and your URL's

How to share the Promotional Materials -- 68 Years of Research audio, Flier, and your URL's
Hello Friend,

How to share the 68 Years of Research audio, Flier, and your URL's: As we have stated once you are made an Affiliate, so long as you remain in good standing, you will be granted permission to share the educational promotional materials of the Academy of Lymphology FREELY with as many other people as you like. An example of this is the following:
  • Give your prospective student a chance to listen to our --68 Years of Research audio presentation.
  • Have them study the Academy approved and provided Flier.
  • Create a text file entitled Read First that includes your instructions and URLs so once they are ready they may simply click on a link and begin ordering.
  • Provide all of this in a downloadable zip file for download to as many people as you can find to share it with. Many free services are on the internet for hosting your download like Google Drive or DropBox for example.
  • We may provide webinars on how to find contacts and to encourage prospective students.
  • Once you have earned over $500.00 we may require an Independent Agreement for tax purposes and the usual issues.

Best wishes,

IAL Staff

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