Subject: I'm No Expert Friend But...........
Hi Friend
I wanted to share something with you today
but first a......
WARNING: This email was written at 3.46 pm Thursday 19 March 2020.
By the time you read this it maybe out of date and no longer relevant.
But if you are an early adopter, risk taker or just chiming in best your
mate told you to read this, let's get started.right now.
The world is going bananas right now. That's a Far Nth Qld reference (bananas) instead of crazy!
I've got no idea what to believe.
Everybody is an expert. The media toddles out an expert to give
a doom and gloom storm. Even better if the expert has a weird
sounding, can't pronounce Eastern block name. That makes the
dude even more of an expert and we can't really check their credentials.
I might be a bit of a cynic (60 years in the school of hard knocks does
that to you) but I’ve been shaking my head and sometimes screaming
with full blown rage (don't get me started I write murder fiction books as well)
at the 'new born gurus' popping up on social media and in my inbox giving me Coronavirus advice.
The dude who one day is telling you how to get 50 new business clients a day via Facebook ads and is now a guru of what to do in a Coronavirus world, is suss.
All this does is lead to overwhelm and confusion. What's right?
What's wrong? Don't get me started on the toilet paper rush of
2020 - makes the Gold Rush look insignificant.
Here’s my take:
I’m not a share market guru. I won't be telling you when to buy,
what to buy or when to sell. Although I think beer and wine companies
might.........never mind.
I just don’t know.
I’ve got no idea if the virus will get worse? How long this will go on for.
Put simply I've got no idea.But I've got the battle scars to prove I've
been through some tough times.
In the late 80's I lost $250,000 in the Crash, lost a baby in 1990, got divorced
years later (the worst period of my life without my kids - broke my heart forever!),
lost both of my parents and lost a step son two years ago. But that's 60 years of life I guess.
I'm a survivor. I got second chances. Consciously or sub-consciously I
knuckled down in those times and grew.
So, my forthcoming emails and blogs will try to deliver true gritty ideas and
hopefully solutions beneficial in these times of uncertainty.
I won’t be able to tell you what to really do to stay safe. Common sense will tell you
to wash your hands in particular with soap and water. But using sanitizes, what brand
or where to buy it - I've got no clue. But standing on your head drinking
a rum toddy ...... might be fun at least.
But I can give you some insights on what to do in your business today,
tomorrow, next week or month .
But it's going to take time to sort this stuff out.
I'm not going to be flogging you useless, worthless crap just so I can make an affiliate commission.
I'd rather you save your money and buy stuff you need, really need.
Good fresh food. I know the frozen veg is empty in supermarket freezers,
but the fresh good aisle is bursting with good stuff. Snap up a $5-10 cookbook
from KMart and learn to cook tasty, economical meals. Baked beans are great
but for the next 30 days, really?
Before I did all this content and email copywriting stuff, I was a real estate agent.
(Aaagh that explains it so some of you are thinking).
I still chat to hundreds of agents every month.
Real estate agents are getting torched now. Hospitality guys and gals are being
fried alive. Nobody is getting a haircut (I wonder how a 60 year old bloke will look with a pony tail...).
The florist has lost her wedding clients. And it goes on and on.
People are afraid of going outside. That has a real monetary outcome for local
businesses. And local businesses employ a lot of people.
So, buy local but shop online. Order your meat from the butcher. Some will deliver.
Leave a great review on Google or Facebook about how great their steaks
were. Spread the word......locally.
You'll make them feel great. You'll get a buzz for being a 'do gooder'.
Your endorphins will raise around giving your mind a good dose of
positivity and that's what we all need.
Whatever you, just start. Start helping.
It’s the fastest way to get rid of the fear.
In these times your true character will be on show. Who are you really?
For some it'll be a wake up call. Others will see this as a time to justify
their misery guts attitude.
I do know something about this crisis.
It will pass. Better days will come back.
Will you be proud of the person you'll become in times of adversity or will you
let your self centered ego out of it's box and sign up for a life of anger
management courses (assuming you don't punch the councilor in the face).
From a business standpoint, survival and then growth in adverse times comes
from strong characters within.
This is your time to shine!
Greg 'I support local' Reed