Subject: New Black Eagle Camera!🐣

Your Weekly Wildlife Update

In partnership with and the Selati Wilderness Foundation, Africam is excited to unveil the new black eagle camera!

About the Location: The Lillie Hills, located within the Selati Game Reserve, have historically been essential breeding grounds for Verreaux’s Eagles (Black Eagles), highlighting the area's ideal habitat. These stunning raptors favor cliffs, rocky outcrops, and escarpments, all of which are abundant in the Selati Game Reserve. Perched high above, they enjoy a remarkable vantage point for hunting and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by naturally controlling the populations of small to medium-sized mammals, such as rock dassies.

During the 2024 breeding season, two eggs were laid; however, one was unfortunately pushed to the edge of the nest and abandoned by the pair.

We remain optimistic for a successful hatch this year!

A huge congratulations to Brooke Rice who has won the February photo competition! 🏆🎉

Video of the Day:  A leopard and buffalo share the ol Donyo waterhole during the night

Photo Competition Submission: "African Fish Eagle shaking its feathers" - By Latina

A reminder that the March competition theme is BIRDS! 🐧

Do you want to enter our Africam photo competition? Sign up for Africam premium and send your snaps to

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