Subject: Last Day Of Feb Photo Competition 📸

The theme for the March photo competition is BIRDS!

Please remember that only photos captured during this month are eligible for submission, and you can submit as many entries as you wish!

Ring-necked Doves in Flight at Lentorre by Latina

It's the last day of the February Photo Competition!

Today is the last day to enter the February photo competition, closing at midnight. We will announce the winner on Monday, March 3rd. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated; we have truly enjoyed all the submissions.

Some entries from this week:

Latina: An African Shelduck Sitting Pretty at Founders Lodge

Caitlin Sontag: Hwange Safari Lodge - zebra baby 

Sue Conver: ol Donyo -Watch and Learn

N Meynell: Lentorre - Grabbing a quick drink!


As the black eagles have relocated their nest further into the cliff crevice, we have decided to discontinue this camera. It has been a pleasure to observe their activities over the past seasons.

We are excited to announce that we have established a new location with a different pair of eagles. We are currently waiting to see if they will occupy this nest; once confirmed, we will start broadcasting the live stream for everyone to enjoy. If you are an Africam YouTube member, you can get an exclusive glimpse of the potential nest. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the eagles choose this new spot!


We have introduced new characters for SafariSnaps, along with the Hartmann's mountain zebra, which can be spotted at Safarihoek, and the crested porcupine, found at ol Donyo. Additionally, we have conducted an audit of some animals and updated their scores based on their visibility on the cameras.

Moto Moto is the resident hippo at The Hide. He has a large distinctive scar on his left "shoulder". Score: 20 points

Elzuwini is a big tusker based in the Balule area, seen on Naledi Dam and Cat Eye. His name means "from heaven" in the Zulu. Score: 20 points

Lomanaa is one of the resident males at ol Donyo. He is often seen with his son, Lewaya. He has the bigger and darker mane of the two males. Score: 65 points

Lewaya is one of the resident males at ol Donyo. He is often seen with his Father, Lomanaa. He has the smaller and lighter mane of the two males. Score: 65 points

Mandy is one of the rhinos at Founders Lodge. She is most often seen wallowing in the mud with her small calf. Score: 30 points


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