Subject: Happy Valentine's Day From Africam! 😍

Happy Valentine's Day From Africam! ❤️

Did you know that the leaderboard for SafariSnaps will now refresh every month? This change provides everyone with an opportunity to compete for the top positions as the SafariSnaps tagger, SafariSnaps species leader, and bird species leader!

From March, we will be doing a monthly prize for the top spots!

The current leaders for February, but there's still plenty of time to continue participating!

Africam Updates:

  • We are actively addressing the issue of disappearing boma chat messages.

  • Some users are experiencing problems with Lion Alerts on the app; we are currently looking into this

Africam's Photo Competition Submissions

Email your photo to during the submission window each month. You can submit as many images as you like!

Here are some of the entries so far:

Peace Train: Lion At Nkorho

KellyVitalBird: Safarihoek - Pink Lightning Strike

Katelyn Mae: An elephant cow has a drink while her very young calf watches from between her legs 

Eve: Founders Sunrise


 Click on the videos below if you haven't downloaded the Africam Alerts App!

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