Subject: Africam Subscriber Updates


We'd like to thank you for your Africam subscription and continuous support. To keep you up-to-date on our cameras and features, we're excited to introduce our new exclusive subscriber email updates.

SafariSnaps & Birds

We're collaborating with new developers to deliver Bird SafariSnaps and a SafariSnaps leaderboard that updates monthly to make the competition even more thrilling. We anticipated a launch date last year which unfortunately did not happen, we apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.

Photo Competitions

Our ongoing initiative involves the development of a photo competition page on our website, with the involvement of our new developers. Last year's photo competition was so much fun, and we're eagerly looking forward to its return, with the hope that everyone will participate actively once it's up and running.


We are currently experiencing a significant power issue at Nkorho. To resolve the problem, we have enlisted the help of experienced electricians and are working tirelessly to restore power. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an estimated timeline for when Nkorho will be operational again, but we are doing everything in our power to get it up and running as soon as possible.

Tembe Sound

At Tembe, we have conducted extensive audio testing to address the sound issues. We have recently ordered new audio components and we hope this solution will resolve the issue, and we're looking forward to hearing the results.

Lisbon Falls

We experienced a theft of our solar panels at Lisbon Falls. We are currently in the process of ordering new panels, and we're also looking at ways to improve security so that it doesn't happen again.

Kwa Maritane

We're aware of the camera flickering issue at Kwa Maritane and are currently working on logistics to resolve the problem. Our team is making arrangements to install a new camera on-site.

Your satisfaction with the Africam subscription is important to us. We value your feedback and would like to know what you think of our services. Please share your thoughts with us so we can enhance your experience and offer a better product


Click on the "feedback" button and fill in the form. Thank you for your participation

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