Subject: F.REE LIVE EVENT! How to Create a Full Time Income In Your Spare Time

F.REE 2-Hr Event: Part-Time Work, Full-Time $$

Hey Friend, have you heard this story …

A man wakes up suddenly in total darkness. His hair is damp with sweat. He is warm with fever.

He struggles to his feet and nearly falls over. His head feels heavy and wooden. The floor rolls and pitches and he dimly recalls that he had boarded a ship at some time in the past.

The space around him is stuffy, the air still. He reaches out, feeling for a wall. Finding it, he gropes around for a porthole. Moving to his right, his hands touch cool glass.

He frantically feels for the latch but finds none. Giving up, he smashes the glass with the bottom of his right fist.

He sighs as the cool night air rushes into the cabin and over him. Relieved, he feels his way back to the bunk, lays down, and falls back asleep.

In the morning the man wakes up. His fever is gone. He looks around and finds the porthole, to his left, is intact. He looks to his right and sees a chest of drawers. Its top is littered with shattered bits of mirror. A nail in the wall above the chest tells the man where the mirror had once hung.

Interesting, right?

I am using this story to illustrate what’s true. Truth is not always equal to “the facts.” Truth is the result of what you decide or conclude. The man concluded that he’d located the porthole. He smashed the glass. The air poured in and cooled him off, just like he knew it would.

A lot of people “know” that to make more money, they’ve got to work harder or more hours. They “know” that wealth takes luck or special knowledge.

Yet others know that they can work less—work smarter, not harder—and make a lot more money. And they do it.

If you don’t yet know this, you will after you attend the IM Freedom Workshop. “IM” stands for “internet marketing” and at this FREE, two-hour workshop, you will see how people just like you are profiting from the Internet.


At IM Freedom, you will be introduced to Matt Lloyd’s proven business system for generating commissions of $1,250, $3,300, $5,500, and more, online. You will see how it works and you will know it’s possible.

This isn’t “pie in the sky” or “get-rich-quick.” There is work involved but you’ll do it at home (or wherever else you want) and choose your own hours. Matt’s system makes it fast and easy to start making money online. You don’t have to be a computer expert or have a business degree.

When you register for the IM Freedom Workshop, you’ll get free access to Matt’s system, which you can study and use at home, on your computer.

These events fill up pretty quick. When that happens, we have to close registration and that’s that. You miss out. So register now, before that happens, and we’ll see you there.




PS: Register right now and you’ll also receive a copy of Matt Lloyd’s best-selling book, Limitless. It’s Matt’s own story of how he attained financial security with internet marketing. In it, you’ll learn the best business model to choose, how to find high profit-margin products, and plenty more. Register now!
, P.O. Box 163274, Fort Worth, Texas 76161, United States
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