Dear Friend, I recall a story of two friends of mine that changed the way that I think about money. I would like to share this story with you today and hope that it’ll make a difference in your financial life as well. To skip ahead and learn for FREE about the missing key to amassing great wealth, click here. From a certain town in Florida, two men, Jack and Rick decided that they would try a specific method each to get rich. The rules were simple – accumulate a fortune in the shortest amount of time, without doing anything illegal or unethical. They both have the same education level, same job earning the same small income, had similar type of friends, and they were both of the same age. Fast forward a few months later, Rick had multiplied his income many times, and is now close to earning a six figure pay check. While Jack is deep in debt, having to borrow from friends and relatives to tide over. Neither of them gambled, nor did any risky investments. When I spoke to their friends, Rick seems to have a knack of Dzattractingdz wealth to himself, while Jack seems to always be having Dzhard luckdz when it comes to money. What made the difference? It turns out that Jack had never did anything different since they embarked on their journey. He made the same decisions, went about using the same mindset he had all the time to deal with money. Rick, on the other hand, made a decision that activated the Dzwealth factordz in him. That allowed him to change his fortunes and turn his life around. This is the same factor that allowed millionaires to get to where they are without having to work extra hours or take an extra job to increase their income. To find out what this missing wealth factor is, click here. there is absolutely no cost on your part. Yours Truly,