Subject: Write, slow down, create your temple

🔘 Write, Publish

Most entrepreneurs I know have not yet grasped the opportunities that writing and publishing what you write offers.

These entrepreneurs see writing as a necessity dictated by their own marketing needs. They do not see it as an opportunity to learn and to increase their reputation by sharing what they discover.

But in the end it all starts from here.

Writing (and ideally publishing) your ideas, your thought processes, your discoveries, your knowledge helps you to crystallize what you think you know.

At the same time, it allows you to help other people grow and understand things they haven't considered before.

“Writing clarifies your thinking.

Thoughts and sensations are events that cannot be defined in our minds, while writing forces us to crystallize these thoughts and put them in an order that makes sense .. "

Source: Leo Babauta - Why You Should Write Daily

🔘 Slow down

“Slow down and focus on what's really important and valuable to you right now.

Stop worrying

... and rather ask yourself what is really important and valuable in your life. "

What's this?

Can you tell me?

“True happiness is enjoying the present, without having a toxic addiction to the future and without losing ourselves in hopes or fears.

But rather being satisfied with what we have and what we need, because when we act in this way we do not desire other things. "

For some it may be doing something creative, for others it may be using their talents and passions to support themselves financially.

For some it may be doing research and studying something that fascinates them, for others it may be helping others achieve their goals.

Whatever is meaningful and valuable to you, true happiness emerges when you stop worrying and start trusting what your heart tells you. Follow what has value. What is authentic. What it meant to you.

Source: Aurora Eliam - 4 Quotes by Seneca to Help You Re-Evaluate Your Life

🔘 Create Your Temple

Do you want to achieve your goals?

Do you want to turn your impossible dreams into reality?

Create an environment around you that forces you, that forces you to achieve your goals.

“If you want to achieve top results, it is essential that you operate in a top environment.

That's not to say you need temperature-controlled leather armchairs or jacuzzi saunas in your studio. Anyone can create a top environment in their current environment.

Simple things are enough: how to clean and tidy up.

The old saying is true: a messed up desk is the mirror of a messed up mind. If you try to focus and accomplish things in an environment that is dirty, messed up, with stuff scattered here and there, you're just making your life more difficult.

And this also applies to yourself. Get a nice haircut. Get a beard. Iron and remove the lint from your shirt.

If you put yourself in order, you present yourself well you will feel good. If you are tidy, clean, well presentable, you will work with greater fire and more passion.

Your surrounding environment accurately reflects what you have inside. If you want to become focused, determined while operating in a dirty and messy environment you are planning your failure. "

Source: Anthony Moore - How to Design an Environment That Guarantees You’ll Succeed at Whatever You Do

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Podcasting
Transcribe, edit and post-produce your podcasts: Descript

Edit video by editing text. Transcribe, edit and post-produce podcasts. Ideal for all video makers and podcasters who want to simplify the audio and video editing process.


➡ Interviews
Find the perfect hosts for your podcast:

Find the perfect guests for your podcast and be found to be interviewed based on your interests, where you live and the language you speak. Ideal for podcasters of all kinds who want to interview new guests or be interviewed by others.


Marco Cappellato

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