Subject: What is your mission?

🔘 Ask yourself

If you really care about being in control of your life, your well-being, your present and your future, take this test.

Grab a piece of paper and see if you can write a simple and clear answer to this question:

What is your purpose in this life?

What exactly are you here for?

“Having a purpose means having a valuable and long-term direction in your life.

Purpose gives you something greater to live for and consequently makes mundane things of little importance and hedonistic distractions vanish.

The purpose is like a rope: if it is tied to a fixed point, it leads somewhere. And the more strongly it is hooked and taut at this point, the less it curls.

But if it is not well tied, hooked to a fixed point it begins to roll up by itself.

The purpose is the antidote to getting lost. "

Source: Jonar Ressem - "2 Unfortunate Misconceptions About Purpose"

🔘 Do it every day

I believe that big changes in one's life can only be achieved by systematically adding and modifying small, seemingly irrelevant things.

It is through this constant self-discipline that I am learning to become a better version of myself.

"You will never change your life until you change something you do every day.

The secret of your success lies in your daily routine. "

Darren Hardy

Source: Omar Itani - "11 Timeless Books That Teach You 11 Crucial Lessons on How to Reinvent Yourself as a Creative"

🔘 Committed

Things don't fall out of the sky. Dreams don't materialize by waiting. Special things don't happen by working harder or standing up at night. Hope is certainly not for warriors.

Change happens when you commit to something bigger and chase it every damn day.

"Being able to change the important things in your life requires a willingness to go all the way and commit to your goals."

Source: Favor Borokini
via Dense Discovery newsletter # 155 "Being a node for social contagion"

N.B .: My personal mission is to be a "change agent" committed to questioning, exploring and experimenting with new ways of communicating, learning and collaborating. I am here to share what I discover, while at the same time wanting to enrich the lives of those I am in contact with.

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Visual Communication
Create custom mosaics for your Instagram profile: Previagram

Create custom mosaics with photos from your Instagram profile. Ideal for anyone who wants to create an original and personalized Instagram profile.


➡ Online Interviews
Record high quality online podcast interviews reliably: Squadcast

Record interviews for your podcast reliably, professionally and in high quality. Ideal for authors and podcasters who want a reliable and professional tool to record video interviews quickly and with high quality.


Marco Cappellato

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