Subject: The domain of those who know :: Marco Cappellato Newsletter

🔘 Epistocracy

These are times in which we are increasingly bombarded with the idea that in order to make better choices for everyone, we need to delegate this responsibility and blindly rely on the recommendations of official experts. In this context, it is no longer the individual or society that decides what is right or wrong, but the experts who define what is the common good and what are the new rules of behavior.

“So why not throw the democratic elections in the trash? We could very well stop pretending to respect the different points of view of ordinary people because it is not worth it anyway, since people are not experts, understand the wrong things and are too ignorant. Let's listen to the experts instead. This is the radical choice. Should we try it?

The name for this political vision is "epistocracy": the domain of those in the know. It is opposed to democracy because it believes that the right to participate in political decisions depends on whether or not one is an expert in what one is doing. But the fundamental premise of democracy has always been that it doesn't always matter how much you know: you have the right to choose since everyone must then live with the consequences of what they choose. "

Source: David Runciman - The Guardian

🔘 Experts

You cannot determine a person's integrity by the titles he possesses. Competence is something that must be demonstrated with actions and not used as a means of determining what is right and what is wrong.

“Are the so-called 'experts' really competent? Is there a control system that guarantees us that they speak as experts and not as interested parties? "

Source: The Politics of Expertise by Stephen P. Turner

🔘 Critical Thinking II

To be able to make informed choices it is essential to stop blindly relying on others (friends or authorities) or simply following your own instincts. Instead, it is essential to try to carefully "analyze and dismantle" the stories that are presented to us, ask relevant questions and evaluate multiple points of view (especially those that are opposed to our favorites). Only in this way is it possible to understand in a responsible way the problems to be faced and to be able to make good decisions.

“Instead of choosing an answer because it appears right to us, those who use critical thinking subject all available options to scrutiny and systematic skepticism. Using the tools at his disposal, he quickly eliminates all information that is not verifiable and useful. "

Source: Samantha Agoos - 5 Tips To Improve Your Critical Thinking
(duration: 4 ': 39 ")

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Manage and record video webinars with up to 100 people - GoMeetNow

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Marco Cappellato

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