Subject: Stories, trusted guides, intentional sharing

🔘 Stories as Vectors of Change

Out of habit we often take a teaching and evangelizing approach to sharing the information we have, but what I have learned over the years is that sharing stories can teach much more than any lesson or presentation.

"While technology can be a harmful tool even unintentionally, in order to be a positive and useful tool it is essential that we consciously apply our skills to use it fruitfully ... using our humanity, our emotions and our In the modern, interconnected world of the 21st century, this asymmetry shows that the negative side is much more accessible than the positive side. The negative side does not need encouragement, while the positive side does.

... we will need more than just a tool that has certain functions. We're going to need stories - about who we are beyond our apparent differences, and perhaps even more, about why we do a certain thing. "

Source: Zat Rana - The Promethean Curse: Is Technology Harming Us or Liberating Us?

🔘 Guides of Trust

To trust someone, I have to be sure that they have a strong familiarity with the topic that is close to my heart and consequently the experience necessary to lead me firmly on that path.

But if you want to become an expert in a niche, how can you demonstrate knowledge and competence? My advice is to critically organize and present resources that will help those interested in learning more.

"... good curators are * trusted guides * who offer valuable information, in the form of articles, courses, tutorials, videos, podcasts, or other formats, on a specific topic and that have earned their people's trust over time. readers, followers and fans. "

Source: Steve Rayson - 23 Content Curation Tips from Experts

🔘 Intentional Sharing

The more focused you are on a specific topic, when you browse, explore and read content online, the greater the chance that you will find valuable information for the members of your tribe. These pearls, when well selected, will make them happy by increasing your expertise and reputation in their eyes.

For this reason I suggest that you do not share anything interesting online that you find. Instead, make an effort to focus on the primary needs and interests of your audience.

"Those who are successful on social networks, and anywhere else that allows information sharing, are those who share with a purpose."

Source: Colin Wright - Curation is Creation

⚙ Podcasting
Find the Perfect Guests for your Podcast:

Find the perfect guests for your podcast and be found to be interviewed based on your interests, where you live and the language you speak. Ideal for podcasters of all kinds who want to interview new guests or be interviewed by others.


⚙ Content Discovery
Create an RSS Feed for Any Site or Social:

Follow the updates of your favorite websites or social channels without having to visit dozens of sources. Ideal for journalists, experts and content curators who want to keep up to date by constantly having to follow a significant number of sources.


Marco Cappellato

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