Subject: Sister "research", brother "curation" :: MC Newsletter

🔘 When There is Much of Something

Whether they are clothes in the closet or CDs on the shelves, our natural, spontaneous solution, when there is too much of something, is to organize it. We go through and eliminate what is not useful and organize the rest so that we can easily find what is useful to us.

"When there is too much stuff, our natural, spontaneous instinct is to organize, create groups, distinguish hay from wheat, (good things from bad things, wet things from dry ones, important ones from irrelevant ones).

We do it with wood to burn, with books to buy, with recordings, CDs, DVDs, films, photographs, things to eat, websites. With everything that has value for us. It is natural, a spontaneous phenomenon "

Source: Robin Good - Why To Curate Information

🔘 See the Overview

A great benefit to those who devour large amounts of information in order to organize and bring out the most interesting is that, over time, these people begin to connect seemingly disconnected points to patterns and trends that allow them to see far beyond what they are. others see.

"... the art of curation is not something that concerns the specific contents that are treated, but how these contents are linked together, what history, what reality they communicate when viewed as a whole, what they represent and communicate about culture and to the world in which they emerge.

Curation, when done well, is something that specifically concerns knowing how to recognize and identify "patterns", that is, seeing various elements of a culture or a particular sector of interest, being able to identify the key elements (even if apparently disconnected) able to paint a coherent picture of what is happening. "

Source: Allison, Chris. "The Art of Curation: An Interview with Maria Popova from BrainPickings."

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Background Remover
Automatically Remove Background From Portrait Photos: SocialBook Free Background Remover

Automatically remove the background from any portrait photo. Ideal for anyone who needs a quick and easy-to-use tool to remove the background from photos of people.

SocialBook Free Background Remover

➡ File Transfer
Copy and paste files, URLs and texts between two devices securely:

Copy and paste files, URLs and texts between any computer and smartphone connected to the Internet. Ideal for transferring texts and files between devices without having to install a dedicated app or without having administrator rights on both devices. The only requirement is to have a browser on both devices connected to the internet.


Marco Cappellato

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