Subject: Selling without pushing: MC Newsletter

🔘 Selling Without Pushing

If I had to limit my advice on what to do to sell effectively online to four essential points, I would definitely stay on these fundamentals:

“1) Eliminate the time it takes for your potential customer to be able to inform, compare and verify your product or service with respect to other market options.

2) Write and communicate super simply as if you were talking to a fifth grade kid.

3) Honestly give credit to your competitors where they deserve it.

4) Talk to your audience as you would talk to a friend. "

Source: Tim Denning - "The Greatest Sales Page I’ve Ever Seen"

🔘 Help Others

“When you put yourself at the service of others, you experience a joy that is not available to those who work for themselves.

This inner joy and peace then becomes the fuel [energy] that keeps you going. When you put yourself at the service of others, you don't tire easily.

But when you only think about yourself, you limit your potential unnecessarily. Try to replace the word "work" in your vocabulary with the word "service".

Source: Shivendra Misra
via Tim Denning - "Writing Is Simply the Transfer of Enormous Energy"

🔘 Talk about Ideas

What I find myself discussing and exchanging with my knowledge is often the thermometer of who I really am at any point in my life.

“Great minds argue, talk about ideas.
Mediocre minds talk about what happened.
Little minds talk about other people. "

Source: Karthik Rajan - "25 Genius Quotes That Permanently Changed The Way I Look At Life"

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Content Marketing
Create, optimize and distribute your content from one place: StoryChief

Create, plan, optimize and publish your articles on multiple platforms⁣. Ideal for anyone who needs to create, format and publish their articles on multiple platforms, being able to do it from a centralized service.


➡ Site Speed
Dramatically Reduce Large Image File Sizes Without Losing Quality -

Drastically reduce the weight of the photos on your website without losing quality. Ideal for web designers who want to optimize the size of the images used on their websites.


Marco Cappellato

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