Subject: Selling Online (Or Want To Sell Online)? Then You Need To See This!

Why This Has Taken Off Like A Rocket In This Past Year.
You will not have failed to notice the amount of extra business that has been conducted online in the past year or so, its been absolutely staggering the amount of cash spent with online traders during the pandemic.
We know about the way Amazon’s sales have sky rocketed (to name but one) also supermarkets and other traders coming online for the first time.
What is not so well known is the biggest increase has been sole traders and small businesses that have now moved online to sell there goods and services. 
This has been like a gold rush to the web hosting services and web development companies, selling expensive eCommerce packages on a monthly subscription basis. Smart move, but for the sole trader who maybe sells on eBay, Amazon or Etsy these monthly subscriptions take another big chunk out of the profits, yes these slick packages may look great but they are expensive, just to take one of the market leaders as an example Shopify charge $29 a month just for a basic shop, so thats $380 before you start.
BUT! it’s not all bad news in fact the news is rather good, leave the $380 in the bank and do it yourself. 
Did you ever think that was possible after all don’t you have to be a “Wizzo" web developer to do that sort of stuff.
Well, the answer is now anyone can do it easily.
Barry Joyce and Robert Corrigan have been working online for many years but have been increasingly concerned how much places like eBay and Amazon were raking from them in fees each month, it was truly staggering. so they looked at the options and came to the conclusion that they really would do it themselves.
So thats what they did, they bought a domain name, some inexpensive hosting and using just free resources built their own eCom store for digital downloads and eLearning, but it didn't stop there they started building stores selling physical products (some of them are drop shipping)all for free.
So in their new product Easy eCom they show you step by step exactly how they did it from scratch and how you can do it too just be following their over the shoulder training. Shot completely on video so just watch, copy and apply its that simple, you can build your own fully customisable eCom website.
It doesn't matter what you are selling the principles are exactly the same whether you are selling physical products or digital downloads.
No need for those big monthly fees! Don’t get left behind just do it yourself.

Marco Cappellato

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