Subject: See beyond appearances :: MC Newsletter

🔘 Be Different

To change things the way you want you don't need to go and tell everyone you know "the truth" you just found out. This can be counterproductive. Avoid trying to persuade those who have not asked you, and who have no doubts or questions.

"If you can combine skepticism about the official narrative with the ability to smile and nod, you have an advantage over the others. What do I mean by smiling and nodding? As you become more alert and aware, most people you interact with will say nonsense during a conversation.

You smile and nod.

Avoid feeling the need to become a thesis evangelist. That will not work.

The need to show people the light is strong, but in the end it is useless. "

Source: Ayodeji Awosika - 5 Traits You Need to be One of the Few People Who Reach Their Dreams

🔘 Information is Currency

But how you present it is the true value.

Knowing how to communicate something is much more valuable than what you have to communicate. This means that the key topic in which we should all invest time is: learning how to listen and communicate effectively.

"In the new world of curation, information becomes currency and the ability to pack it in a convincing, interesting and shareable way is an art."

Source: Greg Heist - The Journey From Researcher to Curator (Part 4 of 5)

🔘 Interpreter of Reality

It is more the curator than the artist, the author or the startup who has the necessary skills to introduce a new work to his ideal audience. The curator in fact underlines and highlights the particular features of a new work, declining its interpretation for a very specific audience and interest.

“The curator's work is almost as important as the work of an artist.

His role is crucial in determining how art reaches society or the public and the way in which the public interprets and perceives the benefit of this work.

So you might say:

The work of the curator is almost as important as the work of the book author, director, musician or startup. The role of him is fundamental for the way in which a song, a book, a film or an instrument reaches society and for the way in which society interprets it and derives value from it. "

Source: Diogo Gonçalves - Psychology Today

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Hosting
Check out the hosting provider for any website: Hosting Checker

Find out which hosting service a website is hosted on. Ideal for anyone who needs to find out which company hosts a website's files and content.


➡ Identify Font
Identify any font on any website or image: WhatFontIs

Find out the font used (both on images and on websites). Ideal for web designers and graphic designers who wish to have an easy-to-use tool that can quickly identify any character that appears on a website or within an image.


Marco Cappellato

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