Subject: Question what you do

🔘 Question What You Do

I know that there are many of my friends right now who feel the need to seriously consider making big and profound changes in their lives, but they feel trapped in their current commitments, routines and responsibilities.

“If the future you are looking for is very different from your present life, it is time to change what you think, how you think, what you believe is true and how you live your life every day.

If you want to realize the best part of yourself, the most intelligent, the one with the most confidence and competence, it is essential that you learn how to question what you usually do.

The only solution to a better or different life is to start questioning almost everything you think or know is the only truth or reality. "

“Madness is always doing the same thing expecting different results”.
Albert Einstein

Source: Thomas Oppong - "The Highest Wisdom Is To Question Nearly Everything"

🔘 Learn

Experimenting, studying, exploring new things still makes my life very interesting.

I have found that these activities reward me much more than any other business or activity strictly related to earning.

"Life does not revolve around being the strongest, the smartest, the best known there is. Nor does it revolve around collecting super cool titles or accumulating so much money to fly to the moon.

Life revolves around learning something new, meeting new interesting people and seeing a new world.

Life revolves around putting yourself on the front line and fighting for what you love and getting excited by the idea of ​​being able to discover what you still don't know. "

Source: Michael Thompson - "How to Never Grow Old"

🔘 Verification

What worries me most currently is seeing my brothers and sisters pitting each other in the name of truths that they have taken as good by hearing them from others, but never questioning them.

Unless we put ourselves in a position to regain possession of the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood by doing our research without prejudice, we are forced to be exploited by those who have this ability.

"People become programmed robots who literally think what they are told and who have lost the ability to think for themselves and to be able to search and verify information."

"Critical thinking today is labeled 'dangerous' and any honest researcher who has tried in any way to maintain an independent and critical point of view is labeled 'conspiracy theorist, or denier.'

"Believe what we tell YOU or else we will censor you, ridicule you and make you ashamed of what you say, think or write."

Source: David Sorensen
Independent author

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ File Management
Transfer files from cloud to cloud: Multcloud

Move your files between various online services (eg Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.). Ideal for anyone who needs to move, transfer, sync, duplicate or backup any number of files / folders from one cloud service to another.


➡ Podcasting
Discover, search and listen to your favorite podcasts: Podbay

Search, discover and listen to your favorite podcasts right from your browser, with no tools or plug-ins to download or install. Ideal for those who love podcasts and want to have the convenience of finding and listening to their favorite shows directly from their browser without having to install anything.


Marco Cappellato

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