Subject: Make them happy, don't imitate them, drop the news

🔘 Make them Happy

"Happiness is the only real good. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now.

The way to be happy is to help others be happy. "

Source: Robert Ingersoll

🔘 Do the opposite

"Do the opposite of what others do - 9 times out of 10, you will get what you want in life by going in the opposite direction to where everyone is going. If most people don't live the life you want to live, why follow what they do?

This sounds simple, but in reality if you look there are so few who follow this principle.

Watch what people do, don't listen to what they say: words matter up to a certain point.

They are often used with good intentions, but it is what we do that always shows who we are. "

Source: Ayodeji Awosika

🔘 Drop the News

Newspapers, televisions, mainstream media are a business gone bad. There is no integrity. There is no honesty. There is no truth.

The faces and names you have grown accustomed to seeing and trusted have long since sold their souls to money and popularity, but they have no deep interest or concern for the truth.

The truth is transmitted to them from above and they never question it.

They have no real interest in the truth or in honestly informing people. What you are told, what you read and what you see is scripted and given to newsrooms and journalists by advertising and propaganda agencies dedicated to this.

This is all very hard to believe - at least it was for me - but if you dig deep enough and ask yourself some real questions you can find out for yourself that this is 100% so.

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Websites
Periodically monitor, analyze and check your website: Hexometer

Periodically monitor your site to see if there are any errors or problems and notify you by email or SMS. Ideal for anyone who manages websites that you want to keep under the general state of the site both from a technical point of view, SEO / content or possible problems that would otherwise go unnoticed.


➡ Audio
Compare and test over 300 microphones: AudioTestKitchen

Compare 300+ professional microphones by listening to their rendition on various backing tracks, singers and different styles. Ideal for musicians, podcasters, video producers who want to carefully evaluate the audio qualities of different professional microphones before deciding which one to buy.


Marco Cappellato

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