Subject: Looking beyond. :: MC Newsletter

🔘 Creators of Reality

“Healing tools are weapons of * personal transformation *. They are study and exploration tools that, if used in the right way, allow us to investigate, ask questions and interpret data we already have in a completely new and different way.

The tools of curation are revolutionary tools because they redistribute, in an infinite way, the last word and the last evaluation to those who analyze, sift and try to make sense of the information (thus not leaving it solely and exclusively to the original author).

The tools for doing curation contribute to the growth of a vision of reality that is not monolithic, but which is on the contrary constantly evolving. [Just as science should be by definition] A vision of dynamic reality, not rigidly transmitted from above. A reality that is continually re-evaluated and re-interpreted, from generation to generation, and contextualized at the time in which it is found.

The tools of curation remove from the hands of official experts, authorities, high priests, the exclusivity of giving only one meaning to things, offering the opportunity to broaden the perspectives and points of view available through the work of truly passionate researchers. scientists, journalists, bloggers: the new curators. "

Source Here

🔘 Questioning
Who Question

Astroturfing is exactly what mainstream print and television channels actively do today.

"They try to convince you that there is a great consensus, widespread support for or against a certain issue when in reality there is not.

The language of astroturfers and propagandists includes characteristic and "inflammatory" terms such as: anti, pseudo-science, charlatans, conspiracy theorists, deniers, fake news. Sometimes astroturfers claim to have "debunked myths" which are not myths at all. They declare closed debates and discussions that absolutely are not. They declare that "everyone agrees" on a certain theme or problem while this is not the case at all. In short, they try to make you think that, if you think differently, you have been misled, when you are not.

Astroturfers and propagandists tend to attack and create controversy around new sources of information, and people around the problem, rather than facing specific facts. They try to censor and silence arguments and rumors instead of engaging them directly. And most of all they are recognizable because they turn all their skepticism towards those who bring forth, expose themselves, point the finger at something that appears to be problematic, instead of showing skepticism towards those who would have caused such problems.

In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority. "

Source: Sharyl Attkisson

🔘 Quality Assurance for Information

"... the curators are the" final quality seal "for everything we use and create"

It would be nice to have more of these curators instead of having more "official experts", corrupt scientists, content marketers and cheap social media managers. It would be an advantage for everyone.

Source: With Sotidis

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Web Page Design
Prototype web pages by combining the best elements from other sites: InspireFrame

Prototype web pages by combining the best elements from other sites. Ideal for web designers, web agencies and for those who need to quickly and effectively prototype the design of a landing page or a new website.


➡ Screencasting
Capture and share computer screen recordings with audio: Shareit

Capture computer screen video and audio and share instantly. Ideal for providing assistance to your customers by showing what happens on your computer screen, to create tutorials or demonstration videos.


Marco Cappellato

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