Subject: I do not comply :: MC Newsletter

🔘 Reality

Accepting reality without questioning it, analyzing it openly, is like watching TV thinking that it is a faithful mirror of reality.

"Whenever you agree with the majority, it's time to think about questioning everything (or pause and reflect)"

Source: Mark Twain, notebook (1904)

🔘 Not to comply

Knowing how to listen to one's instincts, ask questions, get informed and listen to different opinions are the best tools at our disposal to avoid being subjugated by those who skillfully manipulate information to terrify us and then make us obey like docile sheep.

"Follow your road.

Question everything.
Don't accept anything.

Nor is it dogma or hypocrisy.

There are too many people who go around thinking they are know-it-all, but who in reality not only do not know everything, but they only know half of what they say ".

Source: Rosie DiManno (b.1956), Canadian journalist

🔘 It is not necessary

"Crowd psychology is a fascinating thing," said Clair Lehman, the editor of the Quillette recently.

"Since most people are conformists, it becomes quite clear that when a certain number of ideas take hold in an organization or society, a point of change is reached and the rest of the population follows and imitates that ideas as if were a flock of sheep. "

Few could contradict this statement.

And even if it often seems that today's world is made up of a multitude of people who do not think, it is important to remember one fundamental truth: it is not necessary to march all to the rhythm of the same drum.

Source: NonConformity

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Content Curation
Discover and curate online content resources: Keen

Discover, collect and organize interesting resources and content on the topics that interest you most. Ideal for those involved in content marketing, education, personal knowledge management, creation and sharing of valuable content.


➡ Computer remote control
Access and control remote computers from any browser-enabled device: GetScreen

Control your computers remotely. Ideal for providing remote assistance as well as for solving remote technical assistance problems, training, demos.


Marco Cappellato

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