Subject: How to learn, trusted news, share - MC Newsletter

🔘 How to Learn

When, to satisfy my curiosity, I search, eliminate unnecessary resources, I dive into interesting things and write my point of view on what catches my attention, trying to summarize and synthesize each of the things I find, just like I am doing here now, then I really learn something.

True learning requires both real interest and conscious effort. In order to learn it is necessary to know how to search and to know how to choose between what one finds, as well as knowing how to synthesize what one has just discovered. Memorizing things read in a book or heard in a lecture has very little to do with learning, but it has a lot to do with indoctrinating.

"The key to learning effectively is to create a system that allows you to organize, synthesize, and reflect on what one is learning."

Source: Beth Holland - Edutopia

🔘 Trusted News

As the * mainstream media * continue to lose credibility, authority and trust from the public, increasingly revealing their tacit alliances with big business or political interests, more and more people are using their personal contacts to stay up to date and discover more interesting news. These trusted contacts act like beacons on specific issues and topics.

Consider becoming a lighthouse where you can make a difference.

“You are relying on friends to guide you in choosing what to pay attention to. Their advice is a much stronger and more reliable signal than that of a brand or a newspaper "

Source: Eli Pariser - Wired

🔘 Who Shares Matters More Than Who Publishes

It is vital, for any business that has a real interest in cultivating relationships with its customers, to realize how critical and important it is to cultivate a community of loyal fans who represent the values ​​of the company, of the brand, who do it. get to know others spontaneously, and that they become models and examples to follow. Here because:

“People trust news more on the basis of who shared it than who published it. Your readers and followers are not consumers to be squeezed and monetized, but must be seen as a * social ambassador *, whose credibility in the eyes of their friends directly affects your reputation, that of your brand and your company. It is therefore the level of credibility of those who share, more than yours, that determines how much other people are willing to believe you and get involved with you. "

Source: Laura Hazard Owen - Nieman Lab

⚙ New Free Tools recommended

⚙ Live Videos
Invite live guests and share the screen in your video show: Streamyard

Invite and interview guests during your live on Facebook or YouTube. Ideal for anyone doing live video events.


⚙ File Sharing
Share files, screenshots, screen recordings and webcam clips - CloudApp

Snapshot or video of the screen and instantly share the link with anyone. Incorporates graphical annotation options. Ideal for anyone who needs to take screenshots or videos of their screen and be able to quickly share them with others.


Marco Cappellato

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