Subject: How To Stand Out In Your Niche By Mapping Your Territory

Hello with this email I would like to give you content on this topic:

How To Stand Out In Your Niche By Mapping Your Territory

The newsletter for industry experts who want to become * reference points * in their online market niche.

Here is the summary of the topics that we will see together in the various episodes

1) How to Create True Value
To Create Value… Care
Build Mini-Apps

2) How to Cultivate Relationships
Go Where Your Audience is
Discover Problems of Your Tribe
Build a Community

3) How to Communicate Effectively
Focus on "Why"
Think about the Strategy
Simplify Complex Ideas

4) How to sell yourself
Place Yourself
Insert a Biography on Your Site
Keep learning

5) How to Get More Visibility
Talk about Others
Be a success story yourself
Promote yourself on Other Sites

6) How to monetize
Launch Your Product
Monetize Your Newsletter
Earn with Less than 1000 Subscribers

7) How to Always Stay One Step Ahead
Imitate to Find Your Style
Stay away from the mass media
Analyze the Trends deeper

Let's start in order with:

1) How to Create True Value

To Create Value… Care
The ever-changing digital world seems to reward ephemeral things, novelties, instead of thick things.

What I have been looking for since I started communicating on the web is: to create value. So share useful things. Not just "new things". I want these things to last over time.

That's why it's not my habit to post stories on Instagram. It is simply against my fundamental principles.

I have no doubts: in my mind, the path for those who want to create value is through collecting, curating and organizing what is already out there.

“Curators are those who have a ton of content at their disposal. A huge amount of knowledge that they find on the web every day. Not only are they not crushed by this constant proliferation of new content, but they manage to tame and select it.

They filter the infinite ocean of data we produce every day and choose the parts that their community will find truly valuable. "
Source: Kazuki Nakayashiki - The Future Is Creation via Curation

See you on the next episode

Marco Cappellato

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