Subject: Free reviews and Information diet, experts, find your way - MC Newsletter

Hello in this period the information systems on what is happening in the world is in crisis.
I do not know if you see what I see but you read news and then shortly after someone shows that it is a Fake.

I'm not sure about anything and maybe anxiety increases because you don't know how to defend yourself. If this happens to you I understand you and using my skills I want to help you and I have found various artricles interesting. I'm sending you this summary, with some gifts

🔘 Information Diet

How to keep up to date in this time of crisis.

“1) One thing to keep in mind is that whoever you read, listen to or watch on TV has their own specific point of view (bias) and their own personal agenda. Whoever. This element must be taken into serious consideration when reading any information. "

2) Follow intelligent people with whom you disagree ... "" ... intelligent people who are able to manage the complexity of the topics covered, are able to fairly represent opposing opinions between them and who have already demonstrated to be able to change your mind if necessary. "

Source: Jimmy Shaw

🔘 Experts

We are continually told to listen to the experts and to stop listening to anyone who questions mainstream fiction or suggests alternative solutions. By doing this, however, there is a serious possibility of killing the basic right that we care about most and that we have obtained after centuries of struggle.

“… The point is that this situation has never happened to me in my life and it is a period of enormous uncertainty with things that cannot always be verified. It follows, therefore, that the probability that a person or an organization has the correct answer is low, while the need to allow the correct answers to emerge or, more accurately, to be discovered step-by-step by discarding the wrong ones, is high.

There is more value than ever in verifying and questioning ideas and information, and much more danger in censoring the dissemination of this information.

Source: Ben Thompson - Stratechtery

🔘 Find Your Path

How many times have I found myself daydreaming about something I really wanted so much and then leaving it all there, while I could have spent the time looking for ways to make that dream a reality instead.

"In order to find your passion, both in work and in life, sometimes you just need to change your point of view from * it's just a dream, it will never happen * to * How could I make this happen? *"

Source: Benji Hyam

⚙ Tools: 1) Website Builder

Create small websites or landing pages in an easy, fast, intuitive way and without programming, and being able to export the HTML of the created site. Ideal for both developers and less experienced people who need to create and publish landing pages or small sites, without programming and with the ability to export the generated code to be able to publish it where they want.


⚙ Tools: 2) Template to Promote App


Present your new app at its best through 30 slide templates ready to be used and edited in your PowerPoint, Keynote or Google Slides. Ideal for startups and entrepreneurs who need to produce marketing materials to present their new app.


Marco Cappellato

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