Subject: Free Resource lists, text-to-voice, colors

🏹 What Valuable Content to Create:

# 1 Resource Lists

If you want to be credible online it is essential that you create content that is of great depth, and that is immediately useful. In the previous video I showed you a list of what these types of content can be. Among these, the first that I want to analyze in detail is “the list of organized resources” .⁣⁣⁣⁣
“Ok, Marco, but what exactly do you mean by a list of organized resources?” ⁣⁣⁣⁣
An organized resource list is a list of: ⁣⁣⁣⁣
• People⁣⁣⁣⁣
• Commercial activities⁣⁣⁣⁣
• Support services⁣⁣⁣⁣
• Tools, tools, software⁣⁣⁣⁣
that solve a specific problem for your user

🔘 The Next Net: Competence

In the future, our "guides" will be those who will be defined as experts by their readers. Any serious entrepreneur should therefore have a priority to become an expert in a specific field.

"The network is still young. It needs to learn from its current failures to build a better infrastructure. Not just to talk, but also to find what is worth hearing. The network needs to learn from experts and people who transmit authority, intelligence, education, experience, competence, good taste and common sense ".

Source: Jeff Jarvis - Buzzmachine

🔘 Curation to Educate

Not many know that there is a category of quality content for the world of education (school and university) that is not under the control of expensive traditional publishers. These contents are free, open to all, editable and reusable for your own educational needs, to the point that it is possible to create - starting from these - textbooks tailored to your own classes.

“The teachers say that the 'curation' process has helped them to think deeply not only about the materials they use to teach, but also about how they teach. In the hands of capable teachers, OER (open educational resources) can become a way to rethink teaching methods in order to make them useful for real students and not for those imagined by academic publishing houses. "

Source: Dan McDowell- edWeek

🔘 Curation Builds Trust

“Whenever you curate content, you build trust. And with confidence comes authority too. "

That's why I am increasingly convinced that content curation is the best content marketing strategy to gain authority and trust from your readers.

Source: Flipboard

⚙ Tools: 1) Text to Voice


Convert any short text (1000 characters max) into a downloadable audio in .MP3. Ideal for creating short audio messages (such as that for an answering machine) or for video and podcast needs, starting from a written text.


⚙ Tools: 2) Color Palette


Fascinating. Instantly find the colors associated with any subject, place, concept. Ideal for graphic designers and web designers who are looking for a series of key colors that refer to a certain mood or specific topic. The app works by searching in the background on Google for all the images associated with the subject you entered and extracting a series of essential color palettes from them.


Marco Cappellato

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