Subject: Formula Three MC newsletter # 427

🔘 Do What You Love

What is it that you REALLY want to do (and why)?

Some people like to build, some like to take apart, rebuild and invent, others like to create art and music, others like to write and others like to help others, and so on.

What is it you WANT to do?

I ask you this, because if you want to become an economically viable online expert, what you need to do is not something that is statistically in demand or trending, but first of all something you love DEEPLY.

Because if you don't LOVE what you want to do you will never have the fire and systematic dedication necessary to be able to achieve any noteworthy result.

“You will only be able to focus on what you love and value. If you are doing something you do not love and it has no value for you, you will easily get distracted "

Source: Aparna - "How To Improve Concentration"

🔘 Love it Every Day

Once number 1 (Do What You Love) is clarified, there are no shortcuts: Love it every single day. Even just for half an hour, but love it, do something, go on.

This is what separates those who succeed in things from those who leave no trace of their passage.

"Achieving success in life depends not so much on talent, but on the ability to focus and dedication."
~ CW Wendte

🔘 Share What You Discover

"How can you make sure that:

• investors
• partners
• new customers
• job offers
• fortune

can FIND YOU more frequently?

A simple, yet very powerful way to make more positive things happen in your life is to increase your available area for opportunity. " (* serendipity)

Here is the formula:

"The amount of serendipity in your life is directly proportional to the extent to which you do something you are passionate about, combined with the total number of people you communicate your ideas to."

“When you invest your energy in a passion, you develop skills and any skill has value.

But very often this value can be further magnified by the number of people we manage to share it with ...

The more people you share your passion with,
and many more people will want to follow you on your path. "

Source: Chuck Frey - "How Can You Increase Your Surface Area for Serendipity"

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Design & Tech
Keep up to date with your favorite design and tech news on one page: Panda

Follow all the top technology and design sites, as well as your favorites from a single page. Ideal for anyone who wants to keep up to date with news related to design and technology without the hassle of having to visit dozens of websites daily - you have all the news in one place.


➡ Send File
Share any file, of any size: Envelop

Share files of any size without any limit. At no cost. Ideal for anyone who wants to send files, even large ones with no limits on quantity and size. Excellent alternative to Wetransfer.


Marco Cappellato

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