Subject: Follow your own road MC 429

🔘 Follow Your Path

"Live for yourself, not for others."

But don't get me wrong. Living for yourself does not mean that you can do what you want, step on the toes of others and live your life as if others did not exist.

Living for yourself essentially means living your life first of all to fulfill your mission, whatever it may be, rather than living a life that only serves the need to be accepted by those around you.

“Stop living a life based on the opinions of others!

Since we are children we learn to live our lives on the basis of what others deem appropriate (parents, friends, etc.).

The pressure that pushes us to live life this way is caused by the desire to be accepted by others. But, the reality is, your life is your life, it's not the life of others.

"The desires of nature are small, but those of the opinions of others are limitless". "


Source: Yameen Kurshid - 3 Quick Lessons From Seneca's "Letters From A Stoic"

🔘 Start Small

Many people I know have lost touch and perspective with reality.

It would seem that these people are all expecting to get results and recognition very quickly. They think that once they understand what needs to be done, the only priority is to do, regardless of quality.

Essentially these people lose sight of two key factors to succeed in any endeavor: humility and patience.

Once they start their project, they lose their humility to question and review what they do. They lose patience in the natural learning process and confuse speed in reaching the various milestones with the quality and value they should be concerned about.

"When you see someone who has a lot of knowledge, he has learned it over time. When you see someone who has a lot of skills, he has developed them over time.

When you see someone who has done a lot of things, he has done them over time. When you see someone who has a lot of money, he has earned it over time "

Gary Keller - author of "The One Thing"

"Basically, the way to do really big and valuable things seems to be to start with apparently very small things ....

Do you want to make the coolest site in the world?

Start building a site for Harvard first-year students where they can pick up new girls and make new friends. "

Paul Graham, founder of Y Combinator

Source: Ramit Sethi - Why Successful People Take 10 Years to 'Succeed Overnight'

🔘 Show up every day

I will not tire of repeating this thing. Because in the end it is the essence of any project that really wants to get somewhere.

“The journey around the world begins with a single step. But you can't get to your destination if you stop after ten steps.

There is no need for military discipline. There is no need for you to lock yourself in a cave for ten hours a day. And you don't need to give up everything that gives you pleasure in life.

What you need to do to achieve any goal is to show up every day.

What is imperative is a sufficient level of self-discipline to maintain your normal pace. But doing it every day. It is this perseverance and systematicity that makes you grow.

This among many is the best investment in your growth you can make. "

Source: Vishal Kataria - This Simple Action Is All It Takes To Stick To Your Goals

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Cut Out Pictures
Edit, apply effects and remove backgrounds from any photo: Photokit

Edit and enhance any image with a dedicated tool to easily remove the background from any photo. Ideal for non-tech people looking for an easy-to-use, free image editor that can also create cutouts / shapes.


➡ Customer Service
Reply to your customers' messages from a single app: Messagebird

Reply from a single app to your customers' messages that arrive from Facebook, Whatsapp, eMail, SMS, and others. Ideal for companies that need to respond promptly to customer requests (who send messages from multiple channels).


Marco Cappellato

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