Subject: Don't sell a product: MC Newsletter

How to Make Money Online - Direct Online Education - S2E70

How to make money with online direct training

In addition to distance counseling, it is possible to earn online by organizing real learning courses.

Without having to rent classrooms or have a physical school to host you, you can immediately create your online academy and offer all the courses you want.

If you are not an expert you can call someone who is already good and experienced to pay him to teach him what you want in your online school.

Training is an absolutely positive and growing sector and way of creating revenues and profits. You can organize the courses using your own site or using paid services that allow you to put your videos and manuals online.

The cons are:

- You must know how to teach
- Consider that people's expectations are high

The pros are:

- The profit margins are high
- Allows you to significantly increase your reputation and visibility
- You have the opportunity to also sell complementary products: more advanced course, extra advice.

🔘 Updated News

“The 'breaking news' is not news.

They are a collection of propaganda services for sale to the highest bidder.

Fox is Murdoch's propaganda service, NBC is Brian Robert's (he's so smart, you've never heard of him), CBS is Sumner Redstone's propaganda service, and CNN is that of the handful of snakes they own. of AT&T.

The same thing is applicable to all the major newspapers and magazines, not just in America, but around the world.

They have nothing to do with news as much as wrestling has to do with soap operas. "

Source: Ken McCarthy - "Reality Check"

🔘 The Real Question To Ask

“If you take 100 red ants and 100 black ants and put them in a jar, nothing will happen at first.

However, if you violently shake the jar and then throw all the ants on the ground, the ants will fight fiercely with each other until they all kill each other. What happens is that the red ants think that the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality the real enemy is whoever shook the jar.

This is exactly what is happening today. Liberals versus Conservatives.
Blacks against Whites. Pro Mask vs Anti Mask.

The real question we need to ask is who is shaking the jar ... and why? "

Source: John W. Whitehead - What to Expect in 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation and More Tyranny

🔘 Don't Sell a Product, Solve a Problem

"Sell the problem you solve, not the product you make."

Source: Dave Schools - Former Digital Strategist

⚙ New Recommended Tools

Find out the key phrases people use when searching for something: AlsoAsked

Find out the key phrases people use in Google searches. * AlsoAsked *. Ideal for anyone doing niche or SEO positioning work and to complement their work with AnswerthePublic.


➡ Music
Instantly generate music soundtracks for announcements, videos, promotions - Mubert Stock

Download music soundtracks for announcements, videos, promotions. * Mubert Stock *. Ideal for anyone who needs ready-to-use original music tracks that can be used in videos, ads, promotions and podcasts.


Marco Cappellato

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