Subject: Do you remember the mountain trip from the last email?

Do you remember the mountain trip from the last email?

As I told you in the last email I was in the mountains in the cold but warmed by nature through the wood stove and I decided to give you a very important guide.

Now instead I want to go back to my News features and today we talk about .......

How to learn, question, Haystack method
and then as usual there will be some Free reviews for new toos that I want to recommend
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🔘 How to Learn

Unless you have studied the history of education, you may have the impression that learning is done above all by memorizing information contained in books and that are heard in lectures, as well as other key concepts. The reality is that humans learn most of the important things through careful observation and copying, just as the hunting tribes did in prehistoric times.

One of the major limitations of this model is the limited availability of quality examples to study and imitate.

a) "Anything you can do to expose yourself to qualified people accelerates your learning"

b) "Find people who have characteristics that you want to learn, observe them carefully and copy their way of doing"

Source: Scott H Young

🔘 Those who question themselves

Those who are able to see beyond the reality of consensus are the people who do not take news and facts literally, but who ask themselves questions. Even the simplest.

“Those who ask questions train themselves to observe the everyday environment through“ vuja de ”that is, through an approach that allows them to see familiar things in new forms; they are always on the lookout for prejudices (including their own) that should be questioned. And they are willing to ask questions that might be considered "stupid" by others. "

Source: Warren Berger

🔘 The Haystack Method

The careful care of resources and relevant information on a specific topic not only allows you to discover precious pearls, but builds the basis to start seeing trends and ways of operating that emerge from them over time.

“You are not looking for a needle in a haystack. Instead you are collecting straw, ideas and stories and you are using them to identify a trend, the needle, which gives meaning to all the stories and ideas you have collected. Collect the straw and create the needle from the straw "

Source: Harvey Schachter - The Globe and Mail

⚙ Customer Service
Unified Inbox: Messagebird

Reply from a single app to your customers' messages that arrive from Facebook, Whatsapp, eMail, SMS, and others. Ideal for companies that need to respond promptly to customer requests (who send messages from multiple channels).


⚙ Record Screen
Record computer screen and audio: Apowersoft Screen Recorder

Record everything that appears on your PC or Mac monitor on video. Ideal for demonstrations, tutorials, teaching lessons and customer service needs.


Marco Cappellato

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