Subject: Depth, Not Speed: MC Newsletter

🔘 Zero Consent

Algorithms or owners of global digital platforms (such as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube) should not have the power to decide which views are publishable and which are censored.

"There can be no consensus towards this type of censorship."

Source: Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Jan 2021

🔘 Constellations

"Constellations, not fireworks.
This is what is good to wish for.

The fireworks last a moment.
The constellations last forever. "

Source: Nicholas Cole - “Constellations, Not Fireworks: A Framework For Building Your Legacy "

🔘 Trunks, Not Leaves

“We need to understand why.

Until now, newspapers and journalists have focused mainly on what was new, on what had just happened, on the latest developments of something. But in most cases, readers had no way, no opportunity to understand this news in depth and, even worse, to be able to actually contextualize it with other ongoing events. Readers therefore receive nothing but the leaves, but they are never able to see the tree trunk of these leaves.

Especially at a time when information, news and developments are exploding in quantity, there is an equally growing need on the part of the public to understand, not so much what happened, but what it means. "

Source: David Roberts - "My advice for aspiring explainer journalists"

🔘 Signs That Last

“I think most news outlets are mostly concerned with being as responsive and as fast as possible. They are convinced that their duty is to publish the latest news and then move on to the next one.

Instead, I try to challenge myself in thinking of building a media company where the value of every single piece written lasts much longer than what a normal news would last.

Something that I would consider a sign of success from this point of view is to see people discovering an article of mine on a topic I wrote about two years ago and seeing that these people write to me "I found this article super useful". I am very motivated to write content that is always green and that will continue to have value 2, 3, 4 or even 5 years from now "

Source: Cherie Hu - "How to Stand Out in Your Industry with Cherie Hu"

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Delete Background
Separate moving subjects from their background within videos: Runway Green Screen

Separate moving subjects from the background within videos. * Runway Green Screen *. Ideal for anyone producing video content especially for promotions, ads and social media.

Runway Green Screen

➡ Font
Find out what fonts are used on any website:

Find out what fonts are used on any * * website. Ideal for anyone who needs to quickly find out what exact fonts have been used on a specific website.


Marco Cappellato

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