Subject: Curation is a business model :: MC Newsletter

🔘 Curation is a Business Model

Finding, organizing, adding context and perspective is a business model.

“We have this engine in our economy that is built to produce more and more. But at a certain point, however, the value generated by producing gradually shifted more and more towards the desire to select and cure. This is why curation is a business model. I cannot say that there are businesses that claim "I am a curator". What happens is that curation is integrated into other business models. "

For example: if you are Netflix, your business is to provide things to see, but to do this you must be a curator. Netflix has hundreds of thousands of different movies and TV series on its site. But by definition the Netflix team has to be there selecting and organizing the material so that people find what interests them and then watch the movies or series. Yes, Netflix is ​​in the business of showing movies over the internet, but it has to be in the curation business, otherwise it wouldn't be able to do what it does. "

In the past, those who produced online content were mainly concerned with offering a good "search experience" and that is to help you find what you wanted. If curation is done right, it not only makes people find what they are looking for, but also allows them to discover what they didn't know even existed. And although algorithms can help, from this point of view, for now, they cannot replace the human touch.

Source: Here

🔘 What Google Can't Do

We take it for granted that Google allows us to find the most useful information on any topic we seek. But this is only true if you know what to look for. What happens when you want to know more about a certain topic?

“People try to use Google to navigate an ocean of information. But this only works if you know what to look for. If you Google the * Biography of Elon Musk * chances are you will find what you are looking for, but if you search instead * what I should read now * or * what is the next book to take a look at * Google won't be able to give you an answer. " In business, analytics dashboards and big data are great for answering questions, but they're bad at figuring out what questions to ask.

People need authentic and relevant content, not cheap lists of the "20 Best Things That Do X". And to achieve this, people are increasingly turning to curators who can navigate this torrent of information. If Ryan Holiday says a book changes your life, it's worth a look. If Maria Popova of Brainpickings suggests going to see something, it is likely worth seeing. If MediaRedef's Jason Hirschhorn reports anything in the media, and it's akin to what you're looking for, taking a look is definitely not wasted time. "

Source: Here

🔘 What How Who

Only one of the three most important things to be successful today is connected with what you have studied.

"Today your success and the opportunities you will have are no longer determined by your physical strength or what you have but by:

- What you know

- Your ability to find and manage the information you need

- Who is among your contacts

In the information economy, the ability to seek, know how to find, analyze, evaluate, absorb, manage, share and make the most of the information we give and share with others are strategically indispensable skills "

Source: Here

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Send File
Send Unlimited Huge Files to Anyone: Smash

When WeTransfer is no longer enough. Send as many files as you like, of any size, to anyone. Ideal for anyone who wants to send files of any size to specific recipients.


➡ AudioEditor
Record, edit and post-produce audio files online: Audiomass

Record, trim and add effects (without installing anything). Ideal for anyone who wants to record or edit audio directly from the browser without spending anything.


Marco Cappellato

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