Subject: Crazy Helmsman :: MC Newsletter

🔘 The Hardest Thing to Do in Life

The hardest thing in life is making choices. To make decisions. We shouldn't let others make these decisions for us. But if you look at the data you realize that we instinctively try to avoid situations in which there are more decisions to make and we prefer that others take them for us.

Source: Diogo Gonçalves - Psychology Today

🔘 Spikes and Helmsmen

A sheep complies with whatever it is forced to do. Accept anything to survive. He does not rebel.

An ear of corn is 100% resilient to wind and weather. It bends, but resists and grows despite adversity. But it doesn't break.

A helmsman on a sailboat in the middle of a stormy ocean obtains information from the wind, the sun, the stars to map a path that not only brings him to safety, but also allows him to reach the goal he had established by setting sail.

🔘 To the Pazzi

“This is for the insane. For the insane. For the rebels. For round dowels in square holes. Those who see things differently.
These people don't like rules. They have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or despise them.

The only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward and while some may seem crazy, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who really change it. "

Source: Rob Siltanen - “Think Different” Apple Computers commercial

New Recommended Tools

➡ Podcasting
Transcribe, edit and post-produce your podcasts: Descript

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Add voice comments to your shared Google docs: Mote

Add audio notes to your Google Docs. Ideal for anyone who collaborates with others through Google's web apps.


Marco Cappellato

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