Subject: Coronavirus, retail marketing, learning through research - MC Newsletter + New Free Tools

Hi, how are you?
Are you tired of this period?
I do
News coming from all over about the virus and it becomes very difficult to understand something and choose how to behave.
And so after a long time perhaps with these tips that now you can read how maybe you can think and decide with your own head.

🔘 #Coronavirus

In this period there are two good things that we can all do, to make the most of this difficult moment and make sure that it represents an opportunity for us to improve and try to change, overcoming our current limits.

a) Stop in every way the dependence on the information that comes to us from newspapers and the main information flows, to better understand the world and the things that are happening. Traditional media (such as radio, TV, newspapers) are promoting a real war based on fake news and bad information, and they are the first to spread news that is false or misleading. They do not seek the truth. They don't investigate. The mass media serve interests greater than themselves. Economic profit is just one of them. For this reason, in my view, the time is ripe to research, identify and personally follow independent, alternative and at the same time reliable sources of information that do the job of filtering and contextualizing the news that interest us.

b) Learn to do research, ask questions, look at information / news from multiple points of view, in a critical way. Always ask yourself, when faced with difficult questions about the causes of the problems and what lies behind them, who benefits from everything that happens. Research, inform yourself and give your personal explanation to what is happening instead of letting the traditional media pass you a propaganda message that, through fear, only serves the interests of those who will really benefit from it.

"Be careful that, by fighting monsters, you do not become a monster yourself ...

Because looking into the abyss for too long, after a while the abyss too will begin to look inside you "⁣

Friedrich W. Nietzsche

🔘 Retail Marketing

A good tip for all those entrepreneurs, and especially shop owners, who see Amazon as an increasingly pressing and dangerous enemy to fight.

"Retail Marketing - when Amazon is the enemy, two strategies can help you: curation and relationships"

“The starting point is selecting the right inventory for a store,” says Mike Massey. “If you decide as a retailer to rely only on the top 40 products based on NPD or SportsOneSource data, you will easily find that they are exactly the same that Dick's Sporting Goods, Academy Sports and Amazon are offering. Instead, stores can emerge by doing the opposite: trying to find new brands and innovative products that customers can't easily find even when they search online. "

Source: Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan

🔘 Learn Through Research

Research is a great way to learn anything. Unfortunately, however, this has not yet been understood in our educational system. We are used to looking only to collect complementary information, which may help us, but which revolve around something we already know. We do this now out of habit, instead of using research to build our own ideas on any topic. We seem to have trained ourselves to learn by taking someone else's information for granted, instead of trying to build our own thinking.

"When in our schools do we transform a research assignment into a learning opportunity in its own right? This is what I propose. Projects that use curation (and therefore actively research to find answers) have the ability to make students work on the three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy (a system that defines learning phases) "

a) Understanding: at this stage we simplify and classify information

b) Analyze: this is the phase in which we distinguish relevant information from insignificant information and organize it so that it makes sense

c) Evaluate: in this phase we judge the quality of an object, of information, on the basis of a set of criteria

Source: Jennifer Gonzales

⚙ Tools: 1) YouTube Tag


Bomb. Increase the visibility of your videos on the YouTube channel by capturing all the tags (keywords) used by competitors in one click. Ideal for YouTube content creators who want to improve the visibility of their videos.


⚙ Tools: 2) Open-Source Tools


All the “non-commercial” and free alternatives of all the most famous commercial software. Ideal for those looking for non-commercial, zero-cost alternatives to popular apps.


Marco Cappellato

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