Subject: Cable guy…

Cable guy…
You ever seen that movie with Jim Carrey?  It’s funny man, and that cable guy was crazy.  I had a friend of mine tell me a wild story about the cable company not too long ago actually…
[Don’t worry this all comes back around to marketing and something you really need to know about, currently I’m promoting Fat Stacks by Kam Jennings and it is literally life changing]
==> Grab It Here
So my buddy (we’ll call him Joe) was complaining that his cable was getting way too expensive. He was saying it seemed like the bill kept on creeping up every single damn month!
One month it was like 50 and then the next month it would creep up to like 55 and after a couple years of that my buddy was paying like 200 bucks a month in cable fees.
SO, outraged Joe called them…
...and look, I’m not sure if he really wants me sharing this story with you...but it’s funny, what can I say.
Anyways, my friend, Joe, calls the cable company, all red faced and mad ready to give them a piece of his mind…
...can you relate?
So the cable company phone guy answers, “Cable company, can I help you?”
Joe says…”yeah why do you fools keep on raising my rates every month.”
Cable guy responds, “Are you unhappy with your current bill sir?”
Joe retorts, “Of course I am!”
Cable guy replies, “Well I can lower your bill back down to 59.95 with this promotional offer for a year.  No need to change anything or pick up anything else.”
So now my buddy is amazed.
“So wait a minute, you are saying that you are just going to lower my rates back down, because I called?  No catch?”
Cable guy sighs and responds, “yes sir.”
“So why didn’t you guys just do that to begin with?  Wouldn’t you have had a lot less angry people calling you?”
“Because you didn’t ask sir.”
My buddy was FLOORED!  The squeaky wheel truly gets the grease.
It’s an important lesson though.  You have a choice in this life with most things.  You can either pay more for something or less for something, no matter the quality or value.
YOu can work harder for results, or less hard for results.  It’s really up to you at the end of the day.  That’s a hard lesson to learn, but I hope it makes sense to you and I hope you can start doing things…
...easier and cheaper immediately.
My good friend, Kam Jennings just launched a fantastic product called Fat Stacks…
...and if you want to get started cheaper and easier, NO MATTER what niche you are in…
Don’t let your goals for online success be like my buddy Joe’s cable bill, just going up up up for no reason whatsoever.
Take a stand.   Take decisive action.  Fortune truly favors the brave.
Thanks so much and see you soon,

Marco Cappellato
P.S.  Tomorrow I want to tell you a cool little tactic I know for getting some traffic to your assets but for now be sure to head over there and get your FAT STACKS!

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