Subject: Be present, be grateful, be lonely

🔘 Be Present

I continually see people who despite being familiar and claiming to believe in the "here and now" concept, are constantly with their heads somewhere else, judging, criticizing, living through their memories or imagining how to change reality so that it can adapt to their expectations.

"Time is absolutely not precious because it is an illusion.

What you perceive as precious is not time, but the only point that is out of time: the Now.

This present is truly precious.

The more one is focused on time, on the past, on memories, on the future or on how things should be, the more one is unable to perceive the present which is the most precious thing there is. "

Source: Eckhart Tolle

🔘 Be Grateful

“Gratitude is a very powerful catalyst for happiness. It is the spark that ignites the fire of joy in your soul. "

For a very long time I crossed this concept, I accepted it, but I never really did anything with it.

Now that with respectful humility I have felt the need to be grateful for all the beauty and joy that surrounds me, not only do I feel this is right, but it actually increases my ability to feel alive and in harmony with the world around me. .

Source: Amy Collette

🔘 Be Lonely

“The most beautiful things often come from situations of peace and loneliness.

The people who manage to make them have something different. They live in their reality distant from everyone. They dislike conforming to what others do and believe and are sickened by general common sense.

They decide to go away for a while to give space to express themselves based solely on their true values ​​and desires, not those of someone else.

When you allow yourself the comfort of what everyone does and join in people's conventions and ways of doing, you lose the internal ability to separate from them. Because despite how much you may want to change, the impulse to conform will dominate you.

The moment all the lights out there are off and the only one on is your light, this is the moment in which you can create and truly be yourself. "

“The crowd is the meeting point of the weakest; true creation is a solitary act. "
Charles Bukowski

“When a mind is easily impressionable and does not have solid references as to what is really right, it must be saved from the crowd; because it is extremely easy for it to give in to what people will try to get it to do. "

Source: Orestis Spanos - "3 Harsh Quotes That Will Shake Your Head About Your Place in Society"

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Instagram
Create an instant website with your Instagram content: ZinePress

Create a website instantly with the contents of your Instagram channel. Ideal for anyone who has a presence exclusively on Instagram and wants to create a website with constantly updated content.


➡ Graphics
Edit images, create collages, ads and visual posts: Fotor

Create photo collages, edit images and create promotions and advertisements. Both from browser and from desktop. Ideal for those who want to edit photographic images without using complex programs or for those who want to make image collages quickly and easily.


Marco Cappellato

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