Subject: Be my glasses: let me see what is not obvious

🔘 How to Build an Audience

It's not the amount of cool stuff you share with your readers that makes a difference. What really makes the difference is how much you manage to open their eyes in discovering the hidden value of what you offer them.

“Sharing resources can sometimes feel like a game of * hot potatoes *, with many people finding links and passing them on to others in their network of contacts. But building an audience takes more than that. In this case, imagine a group of friends in a museum. One of them calls the others to share interest in a specific work of art that has struck him. All together they stop around this work and discuss why it is interesting, what is special about it and what makes it interesting for them. "

Source: Susan Moeller

🔘 Help them choose

The more choices you have, the more alternatives and options are available, and the harder it becomes to choose what is appropriate. Therefore, increasing the number of choices is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, by increasing the options you seem to offer more choice opportunities to potential users. On the other hand, by expanding the number of choices you create new needs in effect:

a) how to have more detailed information to distinguish between the various options

b) how to choose among the many options the most convenient or ideal one.

So get this thing well in your head: regardless of the market niche in which you operate: "There is a market opportunity made by intermediaries who take away the problem of having to choose"

Source: Daryl Twitchell, Kevin McDermott and Jeremy Rabson

⚙ New Recommended Tools

➡ Audio Conferences
Organize audio meetings right from your browser:

Bomb. Make audio meetings from your browser without installing anything. Ideal for holding meetings from the browser, online lessons that do not require the presence of the video, live podcasts.


➡ Text to Voice
Convert text to audio with realistic voices: Woord

Convert any text to spoken audio (which you can download). Ideal for those who want to turn text into audio, insert a voiceover in their videos, listen to articles as if they were podcasts.


Marco Cappellato

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